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The Good Earth Written by Pearl S. Buck - Archetype Essay

Essay by   •  October 2, 2011  •  Essay  •  632 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,978 Views

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English II

In the novel The Good Earth, written by Pearl S. Buck, there are many archetypes on which can be written about. An archetype is a symbol that shows meaning. Two archetypes in this story are the color red which is shown through child birth, and how Lotus Flower acts as a temptress.

The first archetype is of the color red. The color red is shown when O'lan is in labor, "A smell of hot blood came through the crack, a sickening smell that frightened him. The panting of the woman within became quick and loud, like whispered screams, but she made no sound aloud...And the voice of the woman answered as faintly as an echo, 'A man!'"(Buck 38). Red is an archetype because it means blood, sacrifice, violent passion, and disorder. Red is also represented by the blood of O'lan, sacrificing her own fluids for months on end to produce life for her child. Furthermore, the red (blood) also represents violent passion because O'lan endured this child birth with no helpers but herself, therefore, O'lan goes through more pain and suffering required throughout the labor. Next, O'lan even used a reed to cut her life away from her sons, which showed the becoming of a new generation for O'lan's and Wang's family. Red represents how O'lan sacrificed and had passion towards giving birth to her first son and the blood showed it.

A temptress is a beautiful woman who bewitches men and then lures them to their destruction. Lotus Flower showed as the temptress of the novel; "' I have no joy today because Black Jade, that one across the hall from me has a lover who gave her a gold pin for her hair, and I have only this old silver thing, which I have had forever and a day'... 'And so will I buy a gold pin for the hair of my jewel', said Wang Lung." This shows how Lotus Flower uses her beauty, which surpasses all other girls, to get what she wants from her clients. Secondly, Lotus makes Wang Lung want to buy her whatever she desires to keep her happy and to have her keep pleasuring him. It shows how she cares not for necessities but for only accessories. Also, Wang Lung cheats on his wife so that he can be with Lotus, for when he is not with her, life itself is not pleasing to him. Lotus Flower uses her beauty to have herself bought many luxuries and when in the presence of Lotus or even thinking of her he does not realize the precious money that he spends on her, that he pours into Lotus' hands and he does not realize how he does not love her, but just has lust towards her. When Wang Lung is without Lotus he becomes ignorant and agitated easily. Wang Lung doesn't even realize what is happening to his land and that the water is receding. It took months for him to realize that he loves the land and has only



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