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The Functions of Management

Essay by   •  October 19, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,037 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,332 Views

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When I contemplate about Management, I think of it as the background on clear goals, planning the most active path to achieve these goals and responsibilities, separating work and consuming strong skills in encouraging others, and consuming a pure standard to successfully achieve the best in each work division. However, when setting goals, a leader needs to be someone who can use precise methods to work with his or her party to successfully achieve the objectives. Therefore, the four basic functions of management that individual should use in order to successfully accomplish his or her goals; planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Although, these key functions are the source to all professions. Also, they can be executed no matter who is setting the objectives; from small, individually owned business to larger organizations. From my interpretation, these functions have demonstrated to be tremendously valuable in achieving the objectives that have set standards in many workplaces.

The Functions of Management

Planning is one of the most significant of the four functions in management. To be a effective manager one has to show strong planning abilities. According to (Bateman & Snell, 2009), planning is postulating objectives to be attained and determining, in advance, the appropriate actions needed to complete those objectives. Also, planning can be one of the most difficult issues faced by the board of directors of any organization. But when done correctly and with foresight, succession planning ensures continuity of leadership and provides a solid foundation for the board, employees, and managers (Sandra, B. R. 2011). However, the company that I am employed with, United States Postal Service, has been in operation for many years and steadily planning to fulfilled short and long terms objectives. Although, the post office foundations it successes on planning out dissimilar marketing strategies for providing new groundbreaking stamps and shipping for its customers. Additionally, planning is the techniques to allow organizations to take corrective action, ensure that a business is progressing toward the objective and gives the establishments direction by looking ahead into the future. Furthermore, the key to a successful business is to planning new market techniques.

The next function in management is organizing. According to (Satterlee, A. 2009), organizing can be viewed as the activities to collect and configure resources in order to implement plans in a highly effective and efficient fashion. Also, when a manger is preforming the management function of organizing, this individual is coordinating resources- human, financial, time, raw materials, etc. - to work collectively to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization. However, in most companies people tend to believe that business is more of a human resource function, but in other industry organization it is vital that a direct supervisor are making good use of this function as well. Although, having a coworker in the position of direct supervisors say it has been a duty to assign resources and make sure that there are job duties set out in order to describe individual roles. Furthermore, he states that developing and administer specific training course



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