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The Different Types of College2

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The different types of colleges

Kimberly Gause

English 121

Dwight Paulsen

February 27, 2012

There are many types of school to further your career in. Students have the option to attend a traditional school or an online school. There are a lot of differences and similarities between the two. Both traditional and online schools offer interesting similiarites and differences. Making the choice to attend what type of school is up to you. There are many things to consider when making this choice. Most people say that online school is more beneficial because, you can complete it on your on time. In my opinion, both schools are beneficial. One school may be more difficult or seem different than the other but, are targeted for the same goal. To help you achieve a goal and a career.

One big difference between the two is the structure. In a traditional school compared to an online school, you would have a classroom to sit in. An online school you would do in your home or a public library. Both schools have teachers but, one of them you would see face to face. A person may bond more with the teacher in a class compared to one that you would only comminute by computer only. Both have wonderful teachers willing to help in any way possible. In a traditional school you would be with students compared to an online school of being alone in the comfort of somewhere else. That would be another difference between the two. When you started to study you would be alone. Many people benefit from having fellow students to study with. However you may not have this in an online class.

Students may also take in the consideration of time. A traditional school you would spend more time in a classroom. As an online student you would be spending this time on your computer. This is a beneficent to many people. Flexibility is a big issue in today society. Many people return to an online college for this reason. Most students have many other responsibilities these days. It may be work or having a family or both. They try to stretch the all of their time between the three. Students try to find the best alternative to suit their needs. Also the assignments you would have play a big part of time. There are many different ways the two would give assignments. The test and quizzes are done in a different way. In some cases you may have more time at one school compared to the other one. A flexible schedule is something important to have when attending college.

The cost would be another big issue when considering schools. There would be many extra expenses when attending a traditional college. Both schools are basically averaged out about the same as far as price. At a traditional school there would be lodging to pay for if



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