The Death Penalty Case
Essay by Paul • September 13, 2012 • Essay • 813 Words (4 Pages) • 1,623 Views
Argument essay
The death penalty is a topic that is argued all around the world. Emotions hit the celling when a family member is no longer known as a person but as a murder victim. Victims families weep in tears with emotions of anger and vengeance towards the person who acted on such a haniess crime. The attackers family now cry as well but not out of pitty for the victim but for the safety of the attackers life. Some state don't allow the death penalty, which makes the subject of having the death penality in every state a strong subject. Families having to lose a love one to the hands of a killer are forced to live with the fact there will never be true justices.
There are 33 states with the death penalty and 17th without. According to murder rates around the world, there are more murders happing in states were the the death peanlaty is implied. This information is just what advocators love to see when protesting against the death penalty. Still victims would like nothing else but to see the attacker put to rest. The "Romano" family, victims of a person who viciously attacked Mr. Frederick J. Romano daughter while her husband was away serving our country in the navy. The murder impacted the family in a horrible way, Mr.Fredrick J. quoted ""It's caused a lot of emotional problems for me and my mom and dad," Fred said. "They're on so many drugs to keep themselves calm, it's unbelievable."
A different side to look at is the attackers families side. Although the person commited such a brutal act. The family still fights for there life and freedom. Some victim families fall pitty to the attacker knowing that death awaits and ask for the attacker to live on. "Revenge is not justice" quoted Lorrain Taylor, whose twin boys were murder while working. "Taking another person's life does not stop violence," quoted Taylor," There's a contradiction in responding to murder by executing people." For many families taking a life of another is a sin or just a bearing on there consiounce they cant live with. Families write letters to courts and ask for forgiveness and for life in prison instead of death.
Untill a person goes through the emotional rollercoaster of having a love one ripped from your life and never to be seen again because of another persons actions, there is no telling what a person might do. It is easy to critisis and state opionions if the event never happened to you personally. With out the death penalty, the attacker is going to prison for what ever length time the judge fells is appropriate. If the judge rules 15yrs with the possibility of parole that means the murder can be back on the street within 15 years, now where is the justices. A person loses a life and the other is let lose after serving a couple of years in prison. Even if the judge grants life without parole the murder