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The Crucible

Essay by   •  October 8, 2012  •  Essay  •  895 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,915 Views

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In the play The Crucible, Author Miler portrays the girl's actions demonstrate that people falsely accuse others to save themselves.

In fear of being known as a witch, Abigail accused Tituba of being a witch. After the woods Betty and Mrs. Putman's daughter would not wake up from sleep. They assumed it was witchcraft, but Mr. Parris brought in a second opinion from a different town to see if all of this was the actual work of the devil. When the town got word that Hale was coming to town, Abigail realized that the situation got serious and panicked threatening the other girls that they better not say a thing about her drinking the blood and to say that they were just dancing. When the girls were asked what they were doing there, Abigail spoke for all of them. She said they were just dancing. Parris brought up the kettle in the grass and Hale asked her what it is and she said it was just soup. After being asked many times if she drank it, she admitted that Tituba made Abigail and Betty drink it. They were all brought to Tituba's home and she was whipped and accused of being a witch. She and the girls panicked and all started naming names. " I want to open myself! I want the light of God; I want sweet love of Jesus! ... I saw Sarah Good with the devil! I saw Goody Osburn ..."(86) The girls started naming names, because they didn't want to be accused of being witches or being involved in any witchcraft. Nobody actually found out what they were doing that night in the woods.

Furthermore; Abigail decided to accuse Elizabeth of witchcraft due to the poppet that Mary Warren gave to her as a gift; which had a needle stuck to it where she would stab herself at later that. When Hale came to Proctor's house to discuss how his wife's name came up in court and how he went to the homes of the names mentioned, they were interrupted by a warrant for Elizabeth's arrest. Proctor asked who charged her and Sheever said Abigail Williams charged her and when Proctor asked what proof does she have Sheever cut him off " Mr. Proctor, I have little time, The court bid me search your house, but I like not to search a house. So will you hand me any poppets that your wife may keep here?" (99) Forgetting that Mary had just given her one they say she hasn't had one since she was a kid and the man said I see a poppet. They see that the poppet has an identical puncture wound same as Abigail's; they automatically assume that she is a witch and they take her away. After that Proctor asked Mary how could this happen and she said Abigail was sitting next to her when she made it. It was clear that all of this was orchestrated by Abigail to get Elizabeth out of the way so she can finally be with Proctor like they were once together.

After all that happened that night Proctor couldn't believe the coincidence that occurred, he wouldn't give up till he got to the



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