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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Essay by   •  October 2, 2017  •  Essay  •  482 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,160 Views

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Tom Sawyer, a character from the novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer goes from a little boy with immense amounts of immaturity to a grown up young little man. Tom demonstrates how he grows up throughout the story when Tom and Huck are at the court where what happened to Muff Potter is going to be revealed. Tom knows that if he tells the court that what he saw of Injun Joe, Injun Joe will kill him, but Tom steps us and shows bravery, telling the court what happened that night. Tom clearly shows how he has grown up through his bravery and courage. Another example of how Tom shows his maturity is when Tom uses his smarts to find his way to the treasure. Tom has clearly grown up, because he is taking the risk of getting, but he takes a risk and uses all his strengths to navigate back to the treasure. Tom shows that he has grown up and he can be brave and successfully do thinks himself. Tom shows maturity growth throughout the story. TOm is a savage he killed a baby carrot a baby caroot was a baby the the the the teh the ther the the the the the the thet the the the the the the the the the the the the the t The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain shows how Tom Sawyer, the main character, grows up throughout the story, but there are events in the story where Tom has not really grown up. For example, in chapter four, Tom trades many miscellaneous items for tickets kids earn to get a bible. Eventually Tom gets enough tickets to get a bible, but he didn't even want the bible, he just wanted to impress Becky Thatcher. Tom acts immature here and clearly does not know what to take serious and what not to take serious. Another example of Tom Sawyer’s immaturity was chapter 18, Tom had just returned from hiding from everyone out on an island with Joe Harper and Huck Finn. Tom decides to go to his funeral because he wanted to see the nice things people would say about him. Tom is super immature for one abandoning his life because things were not going right, and two, being so desperate to see what other people thought of him, he went to his funeral. Tom does show severe signs of immaturity, but he does grow as a boy throughout the book.

Choose at least two chapters and examine the character of Tom for evidence of After behavior.

Write your answer in CSIQ format (Complete Sentences Including Question) providing specific evidence and your reasons for this belief. Please give the chapter and page number you are writing about. You should have at least three sentences for each answer and plan on sharing this in class.

Consider Chapter 20, 23, 31, 34, 35



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