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Teres Eko Niaga Case

Essay by   •  September 30, 2012  •  Essay  •  408 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,744 Views

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A. Scope

The scope was being investigated was Teras Eko Niaga area. We segmented (group) the customers respondent by geographic region .Teras Eko Niaga area was located in the in front of the bus stop of Faculty of Business , and right side of parking area in front of Tun seri Lanang library in National University of Malaysia. The groups of costumer involved in our research were business and science students ,also staff as costumer and three of stall tenants in the area.Total of respondent was Fifteen people .We are concerned on the all costumer ,and we started to observe them during Ramadhan time ,from Monday to Friday for three times each day. This was would be the only time we interviewed our target group.The way we would interpret the results was by diagram and pie chart.


We would use three sample methods to achieve our objective in this project .


For accomplished this project report,we refered the secondary data such as website, and also other university in Malaysia that had similarity plan with Teras Eko Niaga


The the frequent of observation was three times a day, it would be hold in the morning , afternoon ,and evening .It was from Monday to Friday. Each of observed would required around one a half hours to two hours.


One questionnaire has been created by us for spread it to our respondent.We asked the screening question for make sure they are had been purchased something in Teras Eko Niaga.Those were said 'yes' to the screening question may proceed to the entire question,and those who were said 'no' still considered in this research ,they may filled in the question part C and part D.This Questionnaire were consist of four part.There were part A,part B,part C and Part D. In Part A,this part was to analyze costumer frequency make purchasing in Teras Eko Niaga.It's consist of 4 main question.The next part was part B,this part was analyze respondent experience. In Part C was to explore the reason why the customer unwilling make purchases over there. The 3 of this part used the scale 1 to 5, (1= Very disagree, 5= very agree), and the respondent might circle the number that represents their answer to each of the following statements.And the last part was Part D (Profile Respondent),this part was asking a few questions about their own personal detail for analyze. All information obtained from respondent would be kept confidential.



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