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Teachers Vs. Parents

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Isaiah Davis


English 205

Teachers vs. Parents

Growing up in the city of Philadelphia can be very difficult for the children of today's society. To be considered the "City of Brotherly Love," there's not alot of it in our schools. Everyday there is at least one child being hurt by another child in school. Many people wonder how children can come to school in such a negative mindset. That's because the parents don't show a high level of discipline but neither do the teachers. Parents should be running the homes and teachers should be running the classroom, not the children. If schools want to stop the violence they must first get the parents involved and and get the teachers to teach.

Over the years, many people believe that the teachers have grown to be afraid of the children, as well as the parents. Seems like to me that the teachers don't care about the kids but only there paychecks. Also, the parents don't really show any discipline. They basically let the children do whatever they want. For example, parents let their kids stay out all night. By allowing the children to stay out on the streets where the violence really is, they take that with them wherever they go. Either it's there home or the schools. When I was younger, I had to go in when the street lights came on, I guess it kinda of paid of because I'm not a violent person and I don't drink or smoke. If the teachers and parents band together, I think it would be less violence in the homes as well as in the schools.

When violence is the atmosphere, no one is at peace, not even God himself. In order for the violence to stop in schools, it must first be dealt with at home. Parents can't allow their children to just walk and talk all over them. When children think that they can control the home they'll soon try to rule the schools. Children are going to be children. They're not going to listen, they're gonna talk back, that's just what they do. If the parents would learn how to control there children then maybe they wouldn't treat the schools so badly. The teachers are also at fault, they just let the children say or do whatever they want. The teachers want the money but they aren't willing to do the job. A teachers job is not to just teach the children, but it is also to prepare them for the real world.

Daniel Boone is a disciplinary school where children with behavior problems go. I was one of those children so I know what's it like the to be in a negative atmosphere. I wasn't there long but I know I wanted to get out as soon as possible. The more our youth stay in an environment which only breeds negativity, the more trouble they will



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