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Tables of the Constitution

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Influences on the Constitution Table

Write one or two paragraphs in each section. Include citations for your sources.

Documents Summary What was its influence on the Constitution?

Magna Carta King John in 1215 issued the Magna Carta when the Englishmen went to the colonies and it gave them and their families to enjoy all liberties and to be free of all subjects.

The Church was to be free from all the royals, especially the bishops in the election that cause interference between them. It inspires and justifies action in liberty's defense. It was believed that the colonist have the same rights as Englishmen. They put these into the laws of their states and later in to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

"No person shall... be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law," It is in the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution and it guarantees of proceeding according to the "law of the land."

Mayflower Compact 41 men drew up the Mayflower Compact that was from the Mayflower, it said that the new settlers from Plymouth which created it with fair and equal laws, for the "general good."

The compact allowed them to separate Catholic Church and created the English Church or the Anglican Church to practice in instead of the Church of England and others without command. The agreement was to believed to be honored between God and men, and among men which that all men are created equal, and have the right to unalienable rights.

They all agreed with the government's law to comply with it, and in return they would all protect each other.

Articles of Confederation 13 states in the Second Continental Congress written the Articles of Confederation shortly after the Declaration of Independence.

It provided the Continental Congress domestic and international power to oversee the American Revolutionary. It was replaced by the Constitution. The frame work for the Constitution and was written by the same men mostly.

They had a weak government which did not have much power over what the state did, but eight years later the Congress was able to create a better document in the Constitution after seeing what wasn't working in the Articles of Confederation

Northwest Ordinance This method was created for the new states in the union and listed a bill of rights within the territory.

It forbids slavery in the territory, except for Crime punishment and it encouraged education. New states that was admitted into the Union was working well, with a few problems but they were able to use the Northwest Ordinance with Protocol for the creation of the new states.

It was created in Article Six, Section Three, Clause One of the Constitution which came later.

Declaration of Independence It was the ultimate step which brought them all success and freedom that they were always looking forward to for a long time.

It is broken into five parts; the Introduction, the Preamble, the Indictment of King George III, the Denunciation of the British people, and the Conclusion. It was created by Hobbes and Locke and laid the ground work for the Bill of Rights, the First Ten Amendments to the Constitution.

It was one of the beginning steps in the American Revolution.

Philosophers Who was this? How did his writings influence the Constitution?

Thomas Hobbes He was a thinker during the Enlightenment period in Europe which he felt that "men in a state without civil government, are in a war of all against all," in which is worth living.

He felt strongly that for the state to keep peace and order they need to have social contracts. Leviathan was the book that he wrote in which he outlined a doctrine for the foundation of a working societies and some good ideas for the government to use.

Nobody should have more power over anybody and should be equal right for everybody. The community should have a say to pass laws.

John Locke He was deeply influenced in the United States founding document by the means to protect "life, liberty, and estate," which was his theory of government.

He wrote a number of books that influenced revolutions in England. His ideas were impressed by Thomas Jefferson because Jefferson used the four basic rights, the responsibility of government, and the representatives from Locke's book called "Two Treaties of Civil Government," in the Constitution.

The purpose to the rights of its citizens and the natural right were life, liberty, and property by the government.

Selected patriots Who was this? What were his views on governmental structure as related to the social compact?

Benjamin Franklin He is recognized as the only Founding Father who signed all the four major documents which led to the formation of the United States.

He was elected to the Continental Congress where he was helping Thomas Jefferson to edit the Declaration of Independent. He created the first library and fire department. The states with larger population wanted proportional, the states



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