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Student Review

Essay by   •  October 1, 2012  •  Essay  •  402 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,650 Views

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After reading the article titled '' Close Relationships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication'' I would have to say that I do agree with the theory that we do likely communicate just as well with complete strangers as we do our own spouse. This article is interesting and I feel that most married couples lack the appropriate and successful communication skills they need to have a lasting and understanding of each other. I believe it takes great communication skills to be there emotionally for each other and truly make the other person feel you truly understand their emotions.

In one of my very own personal experiences, I assumed a good friend of mine completely knew and understood me simply because we had been such close friends for so many years. For instance, I had a very bad week, my friend stopped by to visit and noticed I wasn't quite myself. My friend and I began to converse and I obviously made poor judgment with the words I had used when explaining how I appreciated her listening to my feelings, but really didn't want anyone's advice and to be left alone. Even though I thought I was expressing my feelings on wanting my space in a kind manner, she totally thought I was being rude and was upset with her. I look back on this conversation and now realize that my poor choice of words could have cost me a beloved friend. Thankfully my friend and I talked this over and we remain good friends to this day.

In order for me to make sure this type of miscommunication doesn't happen again in my future, I will need to think more clearly about my choice of words and how I express my thoughts so that my feelings are understood without the other person becoming offended. Using a better choice of words and thinking more clearly before I speak will make for better communication and total understanding on where I stand on needing my space, yet really appreciating someone's advice when they know I am feeling down. I am usually a quiet person, my friend is more open and likes to express her thoughts and talk through her problems, which is something I could do more. I really need to work on being more open ad expressing my feelings and thoughts better in my future.



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