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Stride Characteristics Related to Running Velocity in Maximal Sprint Running

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Essay Preview: Stride Characteristics Related to Running Velocity in Maximal Sprint Running

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Kyle Logan

Professor Rodriguez

HSPS 188: Topics in Human Performance

30 April 2017

Literature Review: Stride Characteristics Related to Running Velocity in Maximal Sprint Running


In the world of track and field, athletic coaches and even athletes try various methods to increase running speed by implementing different training techniques. In sprint training, its purpose is to improve either stride length or stride frequency, in order to enhance running velocity. In order to affect stride characteristics is by either performing “facilitated” or “hindered” running. In facilitated running, the athlete runs at supramaximal velocity through external assistance. Hindered sprinting keeps the runner’s velocity lower than normal through external resistance (Frishberg, 1983; Sinning & Forsyth, 1970). In the study of Viitasalo et al. (1982), the experimental group had higher stride frequencies and higher running velocities after facilitated sprinting. The purpose of this study is to determine a clear relationship between stride characteristics and running velocity in maximal sprint training, in order for coaches to develop a better training regimen. I decided to do a literature review on stride characteristics in order to understand how I can increase stride length and develop a rhythm during the 200 meter dash. In reference to the class, we have discussed how certain factors can affect performance, whether it is lack of sufficient training or improper warmups that can limit sprinting at maximum speed.


In this study, twenty male physical education students (body height: 1.77 ±0.07m/ length of lower limbs: 0.83 ±0.04m) ran at maximal speed for 100 meters, and seventeen female students (body height: 1.69 ±0.05m/ length of lower limbs: 0.79 ±0.04m) ran three 40 meter sprints which consisted of a maximal, a facilitated and a hindered sprint. Velocimeter recorded the running speeds for each group (Witters, Heremans, Bohets, Stijnen, & Van Coppenolle, 1985). The velocimeter has a nylon wire that is connected to the dorsum of the trunk of the subject. The wire unwinds over a wheel as the subject moves forward, and an optical sensor mounted over the wheel sends a pulse to the processor for every 0.1 m of path length.

A computer-guided horizontal towing system was implemented to enable standardized facilitated or hindered sprints over 40 meters and to also enable the runner to be within the closed circuit of the wire. The wire is connected to the front and back of participant by a belt. For facilitated sprinting, a towing ratio of 9 kg on the front side and 3 kg on the back was supplied. Surface electrodes recorded the muscle activity of four thigh muscles: m. rectus femoris, m. gluteus maximus, m. vastus lateralis and m. biceps femoris. The EMG-recordings, were stored in a computer in a backpack. The runner also carried an additional 1.8 kg during the runs. The EMG-data was used to determine the time of each stride cycle and to calculate the average stride rate per 5-meter interval. A regression analysis was also used between stride characteristics and running velocity.


The average maximal velocity of the male sprinters was 9.37 ±0.52 m/s (100 m), while the female sprinters attained 7.38± 0.52 m/s (40 m). The



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