Essay by Creatorn • August 31, 2017 • Research Paper • 276 Words (2 Pages) • 929 Views
A coast is a place where the interaction of the sea and land occurs. During the excursion of Stradbroke, I learned how the process of erosion can change the coast itself. The formation of coastal areas is determined by erosion. Waves can erode the coastline as they break on shore releasing their energy, This is called “wave pounding”. One of the types of coastal erosion. The larger the wave, the more energy it releases, the more energy the waves release the more sediment it moves. I learned other forms of coastal erosion like “hydraulic pressure”. Hydraulic pressure is when a wave strikes against a rock surface, a small amount of air is trapped in the cracks of the rock face. As the air is compressed by the weight of the water, over time the rock weakens. However, I also learned that coastal erosion doesn’t just come from the sea. “Land-based erosion” comes from the land, Water running from inland can also erode the coastal environment.
In this investigation, we discovered that (Since doing a normal 100m sprint will give a higher HR than the resting average, than the weighted 100m sprint will increase the HR even higher. This is because the body will require more energy and movement of blood to be able to hold the weight while sprinting.) At the end of the test, the results proved the hypothesis that using weights will increase the HR even higher than normal 100m sprints. With the data, the 100m sprints increased the HR to 107bpm however with the weighted 100m sprints the HR was increased to 166bpm this concludes that the hypothesis was correct.