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Starbucks Observation

Essay by   •  October 19, 2015  •  Case Study  •  1,980 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,683 Views

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Nora Fragoso

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English 101


Positive:  Starbucks Observation

Today, I am working out of a Starbucks coffee shop like I do every day, for a couple of hours. Today, is different than other days because today, I am observing my surroundings.  As I sit here observing, I noticed things I have not become aware of before, like people, sounds, and décor. As I observe these things, I notice that they each bring out the true character of this particular location. Every single Starbucks is found in very different parts of the each city yet every element of them makes each place different. So today, I will describe what makes this place what it is. I am aware of so many different things that I had not observed before. I will start with the various people that come to this Starbucks as it caters to the needs of very young to elderly.

In my first observation I notice a group of young kids. It is so nice to see kids in line that are headed to school with their friends. They seem super excited that they are able to just be hanging out before they head off.  They are having conversations in line about what they did after school yesterday, planning what they are going to do today in class and discussing the homework they have. I can not help but stop and think of those days when I was in middle school and thinking how carefree we are when we are that age. Without a care in the world, the only thing they really need to worry about is to get through their school day. They all order a different kind of drink, from Frappuccino’s to hot drinks. Once they get their drink, off to school they go, on their skateboards, bikes, or walking. They all need to get their pick me up to get them through the day, since they probably stayed up late playing video games or texting a friend.

My next observation was a group of elderly people. It is pleasant to see elderly people congregating in groups of five or six talking, catching up discussing politics, current affairs, family or just sitting there in a group reading the newspaper.  I have seen this group before on my every day visits to Starbucks but today I was able to just sit and analyzed them. As I sit there, I can’t help but think, “ Am I going to be that at peaceful when I reach that age?”. They seem to have no care in the world.  They sit there for hours every day. How great would that be to not have to worry about rushing to work.  

Sitting here I can hear the sounds of the coffee grinders go off. I breath in the intoxicating scent of coffee is just so delicious. The sound of the coffee dripping as it brews furthers my craving for my cup of coffee. So many clients are in line ordering a variety of drinks and in different sizes.  Some come in with multiple orders for co-workers, family or just a group of friends. As I look a little deeper, I can see true character in this actual location, from the artwork on the wall, to the scratches in the table, to the normal wear and tear of people coming in and having their morning coffee.  The artwork has a very contemporary look that reflects the coffee shop industry. It has a more library look with a modern time that created a place for someone like me to come in and use the establishment not only like a coffee shop but a work place or a study hall.  Some spend several hours sitting around to complete their workload, while some use this place to just sit and drink a coffee while listening to music.

As I continue to sit here, I can truly say this place is a great place to be able to sit, enjoy a coffee and get some work done.

Negative: Starbucks Observation

Today, I am working out of a Starbucks coffee shop like I do every day, for a couple of hours. Today, is different than other days because today, I am observing my surroundings.  As I sit here observing, I noticed things I have not become aware of before, like people, sounds, and décor. As I observe these things, I notice that they each bring out the true character of this particular location. Every single Starbucks is found in very different parts of the each city yet every element of them makes each place different. So today, I will describe what makes this place what it is. I am aware of so many different things that I had not observed before. I will start with the various people that come to this Starbucks as it caters to the needs of very young to elderly.  

In my first observation, I notice the young kids.  It’s amazing how many young kids you see coming in before school to get all sugared up before they head to school. I can’t imagine the sugar crash they are going to have. What kind of parent let’s their kid order something so bad for them. In front on me a kid orders a grande caramel frappuccino with extra caramel and an extra shot of espresso.  “Are you kidding me?” was my first reaction.  I was not the only one that thought that was just not right. The barista actually asked the kid if this was ok with his parents. He was concerned that it was just too much sugar and caffeine for someone so young. I also heard the conversations of all these young kids. They were talking about other classmates like if they were perfect them selves. I could not help to think how cruel we are as kids and wonder “was I that mean at that age?”. I also studied that they are very disrespectful of their surroundings by, bringing in their skateboard or standing on them while they are in line. It seems like they have no discipline at home. As I sit and observe these kids I think,“ what is happening to our youth?”



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