Sports Case
Essay by AbrahamRajGC • April 6, 2013 • Essay • 900 Words (4 Pages) • 1,342 Views
There are many ways that can be taken to achieve unity among the Malaysians.
1. Sports. It is because, children who play together and eventually will stand together as a nation when they become adults. On the other hand, government policies on national unity is the nature of integration, namely through the adjustment with a variety of cultural and social characteristics that can be accepted by all ethnic groups in our country.
2. Political power sharing also can create the unity between the Malaysians. Before our country got the independence, the leader of the three main races which are Malay, Chinese and Indian have realized that political compromise and power sharing is essential in the guard and conducted fairly to avoid power misconduct and divisions. The important positions in government, the seats in the election and the candidates contesting must be ensuring not only dominated by one ethnic.
3. Democracy to choosing the government. We must ensure that all citizens are eligible and do not violate state law, can voice their opinions, criticisms, and choose a candidate in the elections freely and fairly. Who would win the election with a majority of votes entitled to be elected representatives can voice their aspirations through established channels such as the Dewan Rakyat or Dewan Negara.
4. Allocation of the economic.The highest incidence of poverty that are still held by the natives. If it is left to other problems such as social jealousy among the natives of other races, they feel themselves oppressed, social problems, increasing crime rates and so forth. To overcome this situation, the allocation of the economic cake must be made in a fair manner and in accordance with the needs of people who are in Malaysia. The weak and the poor should be helped with a variety of ways to improve their economic status.
5. National Principle. The government also have created a principle that can unite all the Malaysians which is known as National Principle (Rukun Negara). National Principles were launched on August 31, 1970is our national ideology. The national ideology is necessary to create an identity that same spirit and purpose of fostering cooperation among the various ethnic and communities. The five pillars of the principle are as follows, belief in God, loyalty to the king and country, supremacy of the constitution, rule of law and behaviour and morality. The five principles are intended to establish a united Malaysian nation, and a Malaysian society that is equitable, democratic, liberal and progressive.
6. New Economic Policy (NEP) launched in 1971 by the Rancangan Malaysia Kedua (1971 -1975), is aimed at creating an economic balance between race and region to achieve national unity. In other words, the NEP was aimed at fostering national unity through the distribution of income and economic opportunities among all Malaysians. The NEP was implemented through a two-pronged