Some Moral Mininma
Essay by Zomby • November 5, 2011 • Essay • 262 Words (2 Pages) • 2,477 Views
EXPLAIN THE IMPACT FORCED AND VOLUNTARY CONVERSION TO CHRISTIANITY HAS HAD ON THE LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL CONTROL OF CHIEFDOMS USING ONE OF THESE TWO PERSPECTIVES IN WHICH TO MAKE YOUR ARGUMENT. Therefore, having an etic view from the outside, in 1815 as stated London Missionary Society established a plan to destroy Tahiti long-established culture, by remove their traditional dance, music, and their native religious culture, along with wood craving and In addition, their temples as well. However, the French decide to make Tahiti as its colony, which would be forcing the king of Tahitian to renounce. Giving up all of his rights of rank and titles and chieftainship, internally relinquished. Nowak, B., and Laird P. (2010). As stated in my research it stated, "In 1840, representatives of the British Crown and Maori chiefs signed the Treaty of Waitangi. This treaty established British rule on the inlands but granted Maori British citizenship and then gave them rights to their traditional land." Maori within their culture most are in the Christian sects. Maori culture is looking to return to their traditional belief system, which considered syncretic which is to reconcile with their Christianity and their traditional beliefs. Nowak, B., and Laird P. (2010). In addition, "New Zealand is called the Ratana Established Church." The foci in this church deal with Maori land claims: they are trying to receive a settlement for their land Maoci lost during colonization before and after the Treaty of Waitangi." Nowak, B., and Laird P. (2010).