Som Project - Peso Auto
Essay by Greek • September 11, 2011 • Case Study • 2,718 Words (11 Pages) • 1,926 Views
Peso Auto is a family-owned automotive retailer located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The business has been growing with phenomenal phase within the past 10 years. The strongest feature of the business has been its automotive trading and sales. Pesco carries multiple product lines from passenger cars to SUVs, with variety from KIA to MERCEDES. It is known to be one of the most liable and respectable dealership in Ho Chi Minh, City.
Being the leading business in selling and trading automotive in Ho Chi Minh City is a rewarding position for Pesco Auto. However, it is never the attention of the owner to stop growing. Base on the knowledge about cars over the years and experience working on car as a technician, C.E.O Long Nguyen decides to open a service division adds on to the current facility.
His request is based on the idea that he wants to provide maintenance and repair services to his customers; this service is not provided directly by Pesco Auto ever before. Also, a service facility will send to potential customers an ensuring message which says that Pesco Auto stands behind its products and has a mean to guarantee that promise.
Originally, the project is discussed to be carried out by a construction and design firm. However, it is later decided to be partially completed by outside designing team and construction team. The process of resourcing, controlling, management is monitored in house by Vinh Nguyen, the supporting general manager of Pesco Auto, and his team.
The construction of a service department contains multiple layers. It varies from planning to actual staff training. These activities can be divided in various categories such as planning, construction, technical installation, and opening preparation. In this project, those categories can be identified by the time periods.
Planning period: In this period, the team will focus on activites regarding budget planning,location siting, knowing th epotential partners... The period , after resourcing
adjustment, is between Monday May 9th to Tuesday May 31st ( activity 1 to activity 10.)
Construction period: the team concerntrates on actual constructing and buling activities. The starting activity in this period is on Tuesday May 14th 2011 and ends on Friday September 11th ( after resource levelling.)
Technical installation period ( including training and opening preparation): During this period, the project is mainly about equipment installation, shop manuals, staff training and preparation for opening. The starting activity is 20 and the last activity is 27.
V. CRITICAL TASK LIST: After leveling resource, a new critical has been drawn. With the ability to delay, some activities are relocated accordingly to stretch the usage of labor.
Act Description Duration
3 Identify desired finish day (deadline) 2
5 Research and select potential designers 2
6 Provide detailed proposal to potential designers 1
7 Receive and select best design from designers with proposed cost 3
8 Negotiating the fee for completing the design 1
9 Receive complete design for structure 10
13 Concrete, Formwork, Expansion & Contraction Joints, Cast-in-place Concrete, Specially Finished Concrete, Heavy-duty Floor Finishes, Asphalt & Concrete Paving. 7
14 Metals, Structural Metal Framing 10
15 Thermal and Moisture Protection, Waterproofing, Insulation, Preformed Roofing & Siding. 5
18 Electrical, Lighting, Exterior Lighting Fixtures, Poles & Standards, Special Systems, Emergency Light & Power, Communications, Alarm & Detection, Telephone, Public Address Equipment 6
19 Finishes, Gypsum Wallboard, Tile, Resilient Flooring, Carpeting, Special Flooring, Painting, Exterior, Interior, Acoustical Ceilings. 6
24 Hire potential shop workers ( shop enforcer, managers, technicians, driver, server ) 5
25 Staff training 15
26 Preparation for opening 3
27 Project assessment on cost and time 4
Activity 3: Identify desired finish day (deadline) - 2 days: This activity takes two days to complete. The team will focus on assigning the deadline for the project. In order to do that, it needs to take into account matters such as owner's request, weather, business condition... As a result, the team comes up with the deadline on October 31st, 2011. The set date is 5 weeks different from the original planning completion date (i.e. September 7th, 2011.) This set date is reasonable to allow the project to stretch in resource and utilize the ability to lag in some of the activities without making the project overdue.
Activity 5: Research and select potential designers - 2 days: with the knowledge of the location, size, types of service, the team goes out to look for construction designer for two days. These designers are picked by researching and recommendations. At this point, the team uses its knowledge about the project to see who fits the project. The goal in this activity is to pick those who have experience in building service department.
Activity 6: Provide detailed proposal to potential designers - 1 day: After selecting a group of potential designers, the team provides a detailed proposal about the project. The proposal contains all the information that the team knows. This proposal would help the designing teams in building up a structure that fits Pesco Auto's purpose. This process takes only one day.
Activity 7: Receive and select best design from designers with proposed cost 3 days: After sending the proposal to several designing firms, the team will receive the designing plan after three days. During this time, communication between the team and the designing companies is continued to provide more details about the request. Once receiving it, we can evaluate all the submitted to design to pick out the best one. The features of the design must align with our predetermined criteria.
Activity 8: Negotiating