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Social Responsibility Final Report

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Social Responsibility Final Report

Maulik Patel

Statement of Organization’s Social Responsibility Policy: -

Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) is a co-operative with 210 independently owned and operated retail co-operative members across Western Canada. FCL serves these member retails, their 1.6 million members and many more customers. Together, FCL and its retail members form the Co-operative Retailing System (CRS). FCL’s business operations include wholesaling across all primary consumer goods lines (food, home and building supplies, crop supplies, livestock feed and petroleum), manufacturing, administrative support and marketing support. FCL owns two subsidiaries: The Grocery People, which delivers fresh groceries to retail stores, restaurants and food establishments, and the Co-op Refinery Complex, which manufactures and supplies petroleum products.

Co-operative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. Co-operatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.

“Co-operative pursues a triple bottom line vision of sustainable development – energy development should occur in a way that provides economic prosperity, promotes social well-being and preserves a healthy environment”

Analysis of Policy: -

Community: - Co-ops are built by people from the ground up; they are rooted in the communities they serve, so it is no surprise that Co-operative – their members and their employees – are committed to a sustainable, socially responsible way of doing business.

Co-operative are committed to investing in the communities where we live, work and play. They are committed to ensuring long-term, sustainable services that employ people and support communities across the West.

I like the way this police was mapped out in our company and in our day to day purchasing practise, we also use this ethic to try to purchase as much as possible from local supplier from our own Community.

Diversity:-  In Co-operative, it is recognized as a fundamental principle that all persons are equal in dignity and human rights, without regard to race, creed, religion, colour, sex, marital status, physical or mental disability, age, nationality, ancestry, place of origin, sexual orientation, or convictions for which a pardon has been granted. In particular, equal opportunities with respect to hiring, promotion, and training and development within the Company will be assured all employees.

But Co-operative doesn’t have any special rule to help Native Indian and Fist nation People.

In our Region they require some special benefit to improve their life style and I would definitely like to see some extra benefit to Frist nation Entrepreneur or 100% owned Frist nation vendor in our day to day purchasing or some contract of work at refinery.

Environmental: - 

FCL has been collecting data related to its environmental performance for more than 30 years to help understand how its operations impact the environment. In 2014, FCL’s operations had a combined carbon footprint of 1.998 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). This represents a decrease of 6.9 per cent from 2013. FCL’s 2014 greenhouse gas emission intensity is 184 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per $1 million of revenue.

FCL have really great plan to reduce environmental effect but still I would like to see all of our operation paperless so we use less paper and it will also be great step to protect our environment as we use lots of paper for central filing but all of this paper we can easily eliminate by making policy of paper usage. Also at Co-operative Refinery they have to develop some special policy to reduce fresh water use by recycling our own wastewater

Ethic:-  FCL is committed to practice integrity in the workplace and to adhere to high standards of ethical conduct at all times. That’s why they have code of conduct and this policy is intended to accomplish two purposes:



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