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Social Media Revolutionizes the World

Essay by   •  October 22, 2013  •  Essay  •  554 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,675 Views

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Social Media Revolutionizes the World

They are calling it the Social Media Revolution. A revolution is a major change in ideas or practice. Social Media and social networks rapidly changes the way people view the world and people around us. Now at the press of a button people are immediately able to be connected to current events, old friends and old flames, businesses and even what is playing on the TV right at that moment. Social media gives people the ability to be in many places in one instant. Social media is in itself a revolution but it also inspires a revolution.

Back in 2008, Barack Obama's presidential campaign made history for not only being the first African American to be elected into office, but he was also the first president to successfully use social media effectively to get into office. ( You will also notice that in the upper left hand corner heading, you must type your name, my name, the course, and date--chronological and aligned to the left. The title is always typed just below this--only one space down--and is Centered. These headings appear on the first page only. These headings appear on the first page only.

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MLA requires that all margins except for the header (top, bottom, left, and right) be 1 inch. Since Word defaults the side margins to 1.25 inches, you will have to change this for your essays to 1.0 inch. Click File on the toolbar, then Page Setup, then Margins to make the adjustments. Also, your header margin should be .05 inch (1/2 inch) from the top. To indent for new paragraphs, simply hit the Tab key, and Word will automatically tab the text in .05 inches to star the paragraph.

When writing the Works Cited page, which is the last page of the essay, list all entries in alphabetical order; do not number the entries. Before you begin your works cited page, you must Insert Page Break. Align (to the left) the first line of each source entry; tab all subsequent lines ½ inch from the left margin (the indent arrows on the ruler at the top of the page can be adjusted to achieve this).

When using electronic sources, be sure to remove the blue color and underlines from the URL's of all Internet entries; Microsoft Word will want to make these URL's hyperlinks. To do this, with your moust, right click on the URL and select Hyperlinks. Then, move the cursor down and select the option Remove Hyperlink. The URL will now have a normal text appearance. Be sure to include angle brackets (required by MLA) before and after ( < and >) all URL's since the above step



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