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Smart Goals and the Quest for Success

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Running head: SMART

SMART Goals and the Quest for Success

Marian McDaniel

Grand Canyon University

December 12, 2012

In my younger years, my personal, educational, and professional goals were simple. Success as a mother, a good paying job, complete high school was all I wanted. Now that I have grown older, my goals have grown as well. Recently turning 50, retirement and financial security are major concerns. Will I have the financial resources needed to retire or will I have to work until the age of 62? Additionally, I wish to continue my education in pursuit of a nursing degree. Can this be done while planning for retirement; particularly since money is needed for school. Lastly, I now serve at the rank of captain and I wish to achieve the rank of chief. Although, money is not require to achieve this task, it does require a lot of time and effort; thus the importance of establishing SMART goals.

In that the current state of my finances is poor, I will need to incorporate the use of a financial planner as well as possibly take on a second job. My potential retirement date is only five years away so I must develop a plan for tracking my finances as it relates to money saved versus spent.

In addition to being a firefighter, I am also a paramedic which makes my goal of becoming a nurse much closer. Through a paramedic to RN bridge program, I can accomplish this goal in a year or less. Completing this goal is directly linked to my retirement goals. A career in nursing will afford me the opportunity to build on my retirement fund. Also, this is a profession that I can perform well into my 60's.

Lastly, achieving the rank of chief also builds toward my retirement in that the position comes with a substantial pay increase. Of all the three goals, personal, educational, and professional, achieving the rank of chief is the easiest and also can also be accomplished within a year. Even more importantly, no money is required; just time and effort.

As it relates to accomplishing these goals, I am a D4. I possess the knowledge, skills, and ability that is required to address the specific variables associated with the competency and commitment to accomplish each goal. The current economic status promotes uncertainty in our personal, educational and professional lives. The establishment of goals based on the SMART criteria reduces uncertainty and creates a climate in which commitment and competency can blossom (Blanchard, 2010).

One of the core competencies for success is the ability to deal with uncertainty, the circumstance for which things are not as there appear to be. The higher one wants



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