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Shortage of Qualified It Healthcarepersonnel

Essay by   •  August 30, 2011  •  Essay  •  362 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,380 Views

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further hindered by the shortage of qualified IT healthcarepersonnel who could show staff how tooperate various technologies and access data (Daim,2008:5). Overcoming this would be an ideal way toshow staff how its implementationcan directly impact patient care whilst ensuring the IT available isoptimally used potentiallyfurthering its acceptance amongst staff and management. However, the more technology we are exposed to at an earlier age, the more it will seep into our everyday lives, the morelikely we are to accept and view it as an aid rather than barrier. Furthermore, using IT more effectivelymay help overcome certain problems includingenablingpeople in remote areas toaccess the samehealthcare provisions which others throughout the country take for granted (Singh,2010:987). One of the most important factors in an effective healthcare system is that it must be accessed quickly andalthough patients may theoretically be entitled to the same treatment, if their access is more difficult orrestricted, it could be argued they are receivinga second class treatment. This is further complicatedwhen remote areas do not have sufficient medical staff or diagnostic equipment in which to offerservices. However, using IT including telemedicine, online consultations or remote diagnostics imagingcould be one solution,so that patients are not excluded from care. Furthermore, it increases serviceefficiency and cost effectiveness whilst also helping to reduce consultation waiting timeswhich isimportant where Governments setnational healthcaretargets (Robinson et al,2003:492). It iscould alsobe useful for developing countries where major facilities are far removed from the actual care beingcarried out (Haines,2004:724) or where weaknesses in healthcare systems reduces access to evidencebased medicine by allowing nurses andmedical practitioners to access knowledge and expertise from awide network of professionals both inside and outside the country (Unite for Sight,online).


Resistance to change must be overcome so that healthcare is able to adapt and become more suitable for a diverse society. It needs to beeffectively managed for innovation to flourish and develop whilstensuring those responsible for its introduction and implementation are not so overwhelmed by thechange that they become disillusioned and resistant. Healthcare depends upon its workforce to becreative and imaginative so that patient care improves. Staff must be encouraged to be part of this on-going change journeywhilst embracingmultifaceted change strategies/ innovations so that measurablechange is achieved.



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