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Service Operations Improvement Consulting Report for Kaiser Stubn

Essay by   •  May 19, 2016  •  Case Study  •  1,700 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,510 Views

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary 2

Introduction 2

Understanding customer types and needs 3

Factors for customer satisfaction 4

Issues found in operation services in Kaiser Stub’n 5

CJM (Customer Journey Mapping) 6

Gap Analysis 8

SERVQUAL Analysis 9

Gap 1 10

Gap 2 10

Gap 3 10

Gap 4 11

Gap 5 11

Recommendations 11

References 13

Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to analyse the service provided to customers across all business areas at Kaiser Stub’n restaurant.

The main areas that were identified as should be consider for improvements are:

• Online and offline customer relationship systems.

• Internal communication. Mostly with the floor waitress and kitchen

• External communication. This includes the website, social networks and phone system.

• Staff training. Need more attention especially when new staff is servicing a table.

The process of improving the process and applying the finding is based upon Six Sigma DMAIC process and SERVQUAL model.

The report will cover the difference between customers, communication with them and environmental factors. Additionally, the report will review the service issues, outlined by service gaps and recommendation of ways to address them.


There may be no place in which customer service has higher stakes than in a restaurant. ( 2014)

Since value is defined by customers, it is crucial that Kaiser Stub’n keeps its customers as the central focus in all aspects of service delivery. This ensures a higher likelihood that services are accurately aligned to customers’ needs and expectations so they experience value at the point of consumption. People come for good food, but they also come to be pampered. As Kaiser Stub’n is niched restaurant, focusing on Austrian – German food, the challenge is to keep the traditional approach (big quantity of food and a bar feel) with today customer service awareness of quality (of food and service). The focus is the customers are like guests in your house and should feel like they are most welcomed.

Understanding customer types and needs

Understanding customer types is important to improve the way information is collected and use the information to plan improvments.

In business, customer types are sort by the impect they have on the organisation. They vary from Ally and Champions to The Terrorist. Kaiser Stub’n wants you to feel at home when coming to dine at their restaurant ( As currently they don’t use CRM system to collect customer information, the staff ability to identify the different customers’ type is very important.

The image below can help staff understand the emotions customers have in their engagement with the business.

(Johnston, Robert; Clark, Graham; Shulver, Michael (2012-08-07). Service Operations Management (Page 76). Prentice Hall. Kindle Edition.)

Factors for customer satisfaction

Two types of factors that provide customer satisfaction exist: enhancing and hygiene factors. Enhancing factors are those that, when in evidence, enhance a customer’s satisfaction with the service. However, if they don’t exist they don’t detract from the customer’s feeling.

Hygiene factors are the ones customers expect to be evident. If they are not there, or not at the level of expectation, it will become a source of dissatisfaction.

{ S. W. Brown, Service Quality: Multidisciplinary and Multinational Perspectives, page 181}

Below table shows the factors and how they evidenced at Kaiser Stub’n, and the customers emotions involved. This is based on the Moments of Misery and Magic experienced while engaging Kaiser Stub’n.

Enhancing Factors Hygiene Factors

Displeasure Smoking area location No response to emails

Finding the place in the first time No option to leave voicemail

Dishes name and menu font Parking

Waiting for 2nd order and wine list.

Delight Greeted at entry Waitress approach to the kids request

Escorted to the table The time taken to receive our drinks and meals.

Clean and tidy tables Meal portion size and quality


The evidence show that most of the issues can be fix by proper staff training and a small investment in technology.

Issues found in operation services in Kaiser Stub’n

• Communication - New delivery channels have led to new expectations.

(Johnston, Robert; Clark, Graham; Shulver, Michael (2012-08-07). Service Operations Management (Page 184)). Not understanding what your customers are after can lead to losing customers and the business.

Kaiser Stub’n communication issues are related to:

- Unattended phone system – Phone inquiries are still by far the most popular form of communication for customers. Most customer calls focus on reservation modifications, cancellations and confirmations, and copies of receipts. (ST. LOUIS, May 28, 2015 /PRNewswire)

- Website utilization - It seems that Kaiser Stub’n understand the importance of having an online presence, but their current one leave a lot to be desired.



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