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Self Analysis - the Big Five

Essay by   •  October 28, 2016  •  Essay  •  862 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,191 Views

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It is remarkable how life carves you in a way for you to be the person you are today. As I grew up in a middle class family, life seemed to hide a journey filled with surprises for me. Every surprise had its impact on me and carved my personality in a different way. The best of these surprises that caused a lot of changes in me was getting to know Jesus Christ in a personal way. Every new experience had its share in letting me be the person who I am today. Personalities are a byproduct of a multitude of factors. Some can be external and some can be internal. The Big 5 Personality Test was somehow a reflection of the person I turned out to be today.

As days passed by and as I grew older, each surprise that my days hid for me was just molding me to be a person with emotional stability. Life turned me into a person who would be emotionally affected only by the very small group of people who are around him, other than that I would be emotionally neutral. As I grew older, my eyes opened widely on some of the problems that my parents were facing with my father’s family. The more information I knew, the clearer the view of my father’s family became. Every time I had more knowledge, I would distinguish between a person who cares and a person who acts to show his fake feelings. Every time I saw them, I learned how to differentiate between people and who to really care about. This experience helped me a lot in life in my daily interaction with people around me. I was able to be in an emotional stability by just knowing how to react with people by knowing who they really are. It was simply a gift from God.

After I graduated from Middle East University with a B.S. in computer science, I had the opportunity to work for Touch mobile company. Today, I work as a Billing Analyst in the company’s headquarters. One of the key factors for success for my job is to be careful and diligent. One should be diligent since he should find an explanation for every question the customer care team would like to ask on the behalf of a customer. Moreover, he should be very careful in giving the answer for any question since the answer will be directly transferred to the customer as it is. A mistake from my side would reach the customer in no time and thus give the customer a bad experience. To be careful and diligent was what life has hid for me in my work.

Moreover, life has taught me the real meaning of being agreeable. After knowing more about Jesus Christ and developing this personal relationship with Him, I started to see this world through a different glass. I started to see the filled half of the glass and not the empty one. Being optimistic removes from your shoulders the bulk that the negativity of this world may bring to you. In addition to that, I learned the true meaning of being friendly in the Leaders In Training, a training for youth leaders held by Youth For Christ organization. Being friendly may open doors for you as a youth leader to build channels of communication with people you meet in your daily life and thus pave the way for you to be able to tell those more about Jesus Christ. To add to that, being friendly helps you a lot in your daily life especially with your colleagues at work when they change from being your colleagues to being a part of your friendships in your daily life.



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