Scar Tissue
Essay by Kill009 • December 13, 2011 • Essay • 722 Words (3 Pages) • 1,537 Views
As Scar Tissue starts, Anthony Kiedies is talking about what he is doing in his life that moment. Then he starts going into his early childhood and explains his life and all the struggles he faces growing up and into adult hood.
In the book Scar Tissue Anthony Kiedies faces many conflicts. One conflict he faces is getting a disease from doing drugs and shooting up. "I'm taking Ozone intravenously because somewhere along the line, I contracted hepatitis C from my drug experimentation." (Kiedies 2) This happens to be one of many consequences that addicts face. The other conflict he has is the relationship with his drug dealing father. "He'd slice up a banana and shove the broken-up tuinal in the banana. He'd take the part that contained more power and give me the smaller portion." (Kiedies 34) There seemed to be a power struggle between him and his father. As time went on, by 8th grade he found himself stealing to get money for drugs. "We walked a few houses down from John's, broke in... now we knew how easy it was to break into people's houses and we started doing that with some regularity." (Kiedies 42) The drug using continued and got heavy. "The pinnacle of my eighth-grade drug experimentation with John over two acid trips. I don't know anyone who took LSD, it seemed like a different generation's drug." (Kiedies 43) His struggle with addiction continued as he attended UCLA. "It was Donde's birthday, so we dropped some acid and went to Tracks to see John Lurie." (Kiedies 85) He dropped out of UCLA and got a job at a graphic company. A new guy started working there and he was a heroin addict. This seemed appealing to Kiedies and he wanted to try it. "We made plans to do the heroin that night at my house. I was so excited that I rushed home and told Mike and JK that I was going to shoot heroin that night." (Kiedies 95)
It is evident that the theme of Scar Tissue is Anthony Kiedies' self destructive life style. "Flea and I were running around to clubs, and we'd always wind up at Zero... One particular night, Flea and I acquired a small quantity of China White and a Quaalude."( Kiedies 113) This is an example of a destructive life style because they were up partying all hours of the night and not being responsible. "Flea and I would go out and heist books from personal collections or libraries. A stack of books meant ten dollars, and ten dollars meant we could buy drugs and shoot them and get high." (Kiedies 119) This is how an out of control addict will find any way to get their drugs. "Part of the ritual was getting the right high to start off the night." (Kiedies 33) "After 50 days of being sober, I decided it was a good time to do drugs. My plan was to get high for a day or two then go back to work." (Kiedies 204) "Our house also became the party house, and