Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor
Essay by jeff0918 • April 29, 2017 • Book/Movie Report • 676 Words (3 Pages) • 1,071 Views
Kaleb McKinney McKinney 2
Miss Lake
Roll of thunder hear my cry by Mildred D. Taylor is a story about friendship, love, and sacrifice. Cassie Logan is a young black girl living in Mississippi during the 1930's. Her and her family are hated for their skin color and they do what they must to survive.
Cassie Logan lives on a farm during the great depression. She lives with her brothers, her grandmother, and her mother and father. Papa is often away working for the railroad, so he sends his friend Mr. Morrison, a strong black man to protect them from harm and the night men. The night men are a group of cruel white men that kill black people for pleasure.
The logans are one of the only black family's that own land. A crude white man named Mr. Granger wants their land because it belonged to his family before then and the logans will not sell the land.
Cassie goes to school with her brothers Stacy, Christopher John, and Little Man. When they are walking to school the white kids bus drives by them and increased speed purposefully splashing them intentionally. One day during their lunch break they children take shovels and dig a ditch in the road while it was raining. Little did they know that the rain while they are in school the rain expands and fills with water. After school, they all hide behind a bush and watch the bus fall in and the white bus driver is angry he tells all the white kids "yall go on home and call your daddies to come help me" (Taylor 47).
After the bus incident cassie and her brothers are all scared about what the night men might do to them if they found out they did it.
Cassie's older brother Stacy is friends with a 14-year-old black boy named T.J. and he isn’t the best kid but he is ok. When Miss Logan is working as a teacher she fails T.J. for cheating during a test so he went and told the white men about it and that she put paper in the fronts of the books because they said offensive words. The white men fire Miss Logan and tell her that she is no longer welcome to teach. When Cassie and her brothers find out it was T.J. they are no longer his friends and so he starts hanging around with R.W. and Melvin two white boys.
Shortly after the incident T.J. and his new friends show up at the church and T.J. is asked to go with R.W. and Melvin or stay at the church but he decides to turn his back on God and the church and go to strawberry