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Role of Accounting

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Examine the role of accounting and accounting information systems for the purpose of decision-making and business performance, explaining the strategies and the processes related to accounting systems.

When I started my research, I found five different articles which were on completely different topic from each other. Then, I realized and decided on a research topic with ten related articles. The area of study that I have selected is research on Accounting. I have chosen to research in accounting with a focus on their important role and utilisation in decision-making in organisations. This research helps in learning accounting and accounting information systems as how it is useful in day to day basis with updating new technology systems, taxes and others. Additionally, in my future study I intend to do more research in this area. I decided to focus on the role of accounting as it influence accounting standards, accounting policies, strategy, processes, leverages and profitability performance of the different types of sectors. Therefore, business providers could be easily taken advantage of if there are financial losses, debt, investments and so on. In my research, all of the articles were found using EBSCOhost, which is found on the Swinburne library website. There were a wide variety of academic articles and helpful magazines and newspaper which were relevant to my research topic. A selection of the most useful articles and documents are as follows:

Brecht, HD & Martin, MP 1996, 'Accounting Information Systems: The challenge of extending their scope to business and information strategy', Accounting Horizon, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 16-22, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 10 December 2012.

The article examines how accounting system provides information conventionally in business? The articles demonstrated the important opportunities for accountants to contribute to system design that provide decision support in the firm. The scope of the text covered the last 12 years and is limited to Sacrament, America. The purpose of this article to understand the two constructs of which one is a business focus of system application and the other is the design characteristics of accountants that able to identify and implement needed addition to information systems. This article is very useful for my research topic as it is relevant to research question and also contribute to topic about the accountant's faces the challenges of extending in the scope of accounting and management information system to business and information strategy. The limitation of the article is that it needs to be updated with related information of present issues. The source of information is reliable as it gained from American Accounting Association.

Doinea, O, Lepadat, G, Tomita, V & Daniasa, I 2011, 'The role of accounting information in decision-making strategies and processes', Economics, Management & Financial Markets, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 188-193, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 10 December 2012.

The article describes the relation to the issue of the capital market. The purpose of this article is to find out the relationship between accountant's and information systems. The article evaluates the problem in understanding the use of information systems by different levels of management. This article is important to survival of contemporary business organisation needs to develop the systems maintenance. The author provides different referenced supported by journals and text books. The data is written in a theoretical manner. In this article, the authors identify the influences of managerial information requirements regarding customer inquiries. This study evaluates the reliability and accuracy of accounting records and information which uses information technology in business. The researchers consider that information data is more easily analysed when the ideal risk is minimised. There was clear understanding of the linkages between role and uses of accounting information system in decision making strategies and processes. The study found that is very unclear in way to explain the concept. In conclusion, it provides the evolution of information system model and role and utilization of accounting system in decision making strategies and processes. The research study gives information on the value of accounting influencing both ownership structure and the explicit contractual structure of loan. However, the article helps in identify profitable investment situation to the firm by analysis the business strategies and policies. The source is trusted as it is written by professors at the University of Craiova, America as it apply to current application.

Florin, B, Elena, H & Carmen, B 2010, 'The role of the accountant professional in the context of the corporate governance and the externalisation of the accounting', Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 832-838, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 10 December 2012.

In this article, the authors focuses on issues related to big number of shareholders but they are not listed. This article analysis the right of shareholders and their protection, the equitable treatment of shareholder which including minority and foreign shareholder, the role and right of stakeholder, long term tendency to achieve global standards. The purpose of this article is to find out the externalisation of accounting function which can be assigned to whichever specialised accounting firm with managerial and entrepreneurial accounting qualities. The text scope to studies to the corporate governance to the development of capital market is unquestionable. The article covered the Eastern Europe countries and information from 1996 to 2010 which is to be more reliable and trusted as it is written by faculties of economic science and public administration of university at Suceava. This study about the historical point of view question about connection between accounting and enterprises governance developed and really act when resorting to the accounting data. The object of study, the accounting -governance axis is much too complex to examine from only the disciplinary point of view, as the real situation. This articles highlighted the financial market may cope with the challenges deriving from the globalised international environment. Overall, this article is still helpful to my research as it concern with impact of regulation about the accounting cabinets and audit committees in day to day basis.

Georgescu, F 2012, 'The ensuring of financial security of public institutions through the development of the accounting information's importance



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