Rim Case
Essay by Nicolas • July 7, 2012 • Research Paper • 275 Words (2 Pages) • 1,589 Views
When Research in Motion (RIM) launched BlackBerry in 1999, they were not able to gain the popularity from the people. In 2002, they released their first BlackBerry smartphones. It was also this time where they gained its popularity from businessmen. They released a number of models, such as BlackBerry 5810 and 6750, wherein some of the main features of these phones were the ability to send and receive e-mails and web browsing (Farmento Inc., 2009).
In 2003, RIM released their first BlackBerry colored models. Individuals started to use BlackBerry for their personal matters (Farmento Inc., 2009). In 2004, RIM recorded that 2 million people are now subscribed to BlackBerry. A year after, they announced that they already have 4 million subscribers (Joe, 2008).
As they gained more subscribers, they also introduced new models with improved features. More people started to purchase BlackBerry because of the new features it offers. One of the most unique features that BlackBerry offered was the BlackBerry Messenger. This allowed people to stay connected in any parts of the world, without worrying about the cost. In 2008, RIM reached its peak in sales. With this, their market value reached more that $80 billion (Bloomberg News, 2012).
When RIM was enjoying their spot on top, their competitors - Apple and Google, are starting to prepare to get the top spot from them. With tight competition from Apple and Google, RIM failed to maintain its spot.
Farmento Inc. (2009). History of Blackberry. Retrieved January 2012, from http://www.xtimeline.com/evt/view.aspx?id=877459
Joe. (2008). The history of the BlackBerry. Retrieved January 2012, from http://www.bbgeeks.com/blackberry-guides/the-history-of-the-blackberry-88296/
Bloomberg News. (2012). RIM CEOs to step down as BlackBerry maker struggles. Retrieved Jaunary 2012, from http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-blackberry-executives-20120123,0,5512027.story