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Respecting Cultural Differences and Avoiding Cultural Bias in the Educational Setting

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Respecting Cultural Differences and Avoiding Cultural Bias in the Educational Setting

Cultural Difference in the Educational Setting Avoiding Cultural Bias in the Educational Setting

Different Language and accents Just because languages or accents are different does not mean there is an inability for that person or people to think clearly.

Classroom participation When you have cultural differences the student may not be able to participate in the classroom well. The classroom setting the child is use to maybe did not have the same guidelines and set up as what she is expected to do now.

Making eye contact with the child There are many different cultures where eye contact is avoided. This is especially true when it is a child speaking with an authority figure.

Learning system With a cultural difference, a student may not be able to say what their opinion is and not be able to be active in class when needed.

Different names Because different cultures have wide variety of different names, it may be hard for the teacher to pronounce the child's name and the child could feel differently over it. A teacher should always strive to speak a child's name as correctly as she possible can.

The way a child behaves A teacher should not assume all her students to behave in the same way when she has cultural differences. A student with a cultural difference is not use to the same setting and while the child is new, the student should be expected to act and behave differently.

What the student is eating A student's meals may contribute to their classroom experience as well. Depending on the type of food and what level of nutrients it has can make the student feel differently.

A student's individual work The culturally different child may not be used to working alone and will have a hard time doing so.

Culture is defined as "the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc." ( In our world today we will encounter may different cultural differences. As a teacher it is important to know how to deal with these encounters appropriately in our classroom. The teacher needs to understand cultural differences with the student and how to work well with that student. A teacher will need to fully accept and take a multicultural approach to teaching education.

The way a child behaves in every activity will be different and will show what type of cultural differences they will have. The teacher should expect a culturally different child to act differently than others. Comparing this to my research, I see that this is true. In my research I saw that by a teacher being more acquainted with their own biases and thoughts toward their own cultural values will help them to understand and appreciate their student's. (Anderson & Davis, 2012) A teacher needs to look and evaluate their selves as a cultural being in order to minimize cultural bias. (Anderson & Davis, 2012)

Multicultural education is defined as "a field of study and an emerging discipline whose major aim is to create equal educational opportunities for students from diverse racial, ethnic, social-class, and cultural groups." (Banks and Banks) An important goal to have is to be able to help every student attain the skills and knowledge they will need to be able to successfully function within and out of the classroom in a new culture. Multicultural education is what is needed to encourage appreciation of all the different cultures in the American society.

Multicultural education could address cultural differences and cultural bias in an educational setting by placing core values in the student. The



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