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Reformation Case

Essay by   •  November 5, 2012  •  Essay  •  469 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,414 Views

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The Reformation produced a major change in the relationship between Man, God, and with Churches. This major change was inspired by the people questioning how the Catholic Church functioned on both a large and small scale. The Reformation ended with the diversity of Christianity on a larger scale than it has ever been before.

When the Reformation started man started thinking and questioning the Catholic Church and why certain rules, laws, and guidelines governed them. The literal translation was that it was "God's Way" and that it must be followed in order to get to heaven. This was the Catholic Churches main objective to the people. Theology and the idealism of all man learning to read showed this second guessing of the church. The Gutenberg printing press made the Bible (the most important document in the known world) easily available to every household. This ability raised awareness and fundamentalism directly questioned the practices of a corrupt Catholic tradition as a whole causing new denominations of Christianity.

Martin Luther was a Catholic theologian and a monk. Studying at the University of Whitenburg he published the 95 Theses. 95 Theses intention was to conservatively reform and question the churches practices according to literal translation of the Bible. Documentation stated that all men were equal to God and the Pope was not a heavenly figure on the right side of God. Indulgences should not be sold to any person alive or for the dead (including purgatory). Grace and Salvation comes from god through grace faith alone. Giving man the ability to pray directly to God without having to pay his way for forgiveness and grace. Luther had a massive following even while he was excommunicated from the church.

John Calvin was a biblical fundamentalist, anti-clerical, and perhaps the biggest influence on the Reformation. Following the doctorine of Pauline (Letters of Paul) Calvin spread the belief of Predestination. God already had a plan for each and every person. If a man was elect he would have God's grace and if you were Reprobate you were condemned no matter what you did. Strict moral behavior was encouraged through the way Jesus lived. Not indulging in earthly things and living by the word of the Lord. You were basically poor. Encouraging that man was the head of the church and a woman should never preach. A woman's job was to be a mother.

The Reformation was caused by mans ability to think, new inventions, Luther, and Calvin. The goal of it was to not rid the Catholic church but to reform it's practices and what it did. Money did not by grace and the key to heaven. It was on each individual's way of life.



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