Reflection as a Teacher
Essay by Nicolas • March 10, 2012 • Essay • 1,774 Words (8 Pages) • 1,753 Views
Teaching is fun if we know interesting strategies and techniques. I just love teaching young kids in primary schools. They are just too innocent. When we teach these pupils, we have to be in their shoe to experience their life so that we can get closer to them. We can teach these small kids only when we love them. Those who love kids definitely can be a great teacher. I just love my kids. I am a class teacher for year two. Those cute little kids just enjoy my teaching when I saw them waiting for me outside of the class the moment the teacher before my period get out of the class. Sometimes, these kids enjoy my dressing style and my appearances that they could not stop praising me all the time. Beside makes me proud as a teacher, it also encourage me to teach them with blessings.
I have been teaching in primary school for almost ten years. It has been a very long journey with the title "teacher". All the way, I had faced so many ups and down which encourage me to be a strong teacher as I am now. I am very proud to tell around that I am a teacher even when some people stare at me strangely. Of course there are many perceptions by the society to a teacher that we would not like to hear. No matter whatever is the situation, I would strongly stay on my feet and say proudly, "I am a teacher".
I enjoy when my pupils say, "huh! The class has end so fast?" That proves to me that I had achieved the objective of the day. Pupils will only learn when they like the environment or the teacher. When the pupils like the teacher, they will enjoy the lesson and I can teach them without any problem. I think, the teacher's appearance is the most important to attract pupils' attention towards teacher. The pupils listen to teacher when they like their teacher. To make pupils like their teacher, the teacher has to carry themselves in such a way that will make people admire their teacher. That's what I try to do all this while.
As I told earlier, there are so many ups and down in my carrier all this 10 years that I would like to share here. Even though there numbers of ups and downs, I would choose only certain points to be shared here. The first thing that I would like to share here is my classroom management. As I told earlier, this year I am given an opportunity to be the class teacher of year 2. In this school, there are 3 classes according to their abilities. My class is the average class.
As my class is named as Two Excellent, I would always remind them that they are excellent students. I always give them motivation that they are excellent students compared to other classes. I even compare them to year 6 week class and tell them how excellent they are. The pupils will be very happy when they are praised in such a way that they too agree how excellent they are. That makes them attach to me more. They like to listen to me. So, all of them will do the work that I gave them. They even listen to my instructions that I use to say in English such as "put down your pencil, listen, raise your hand, open your book, stand up, and line up" etc. it is an achievement for me since they can't respond to me at the beginning of the year.
There is a boy in another class which is named 2 Smart. I use to tell them that are always smart looking and smart when answering my questions. These are the week class. I will use the same materials to both classes with different teaching methods. The Excellent class can do their work independently or little guidance. But, the Smart class need full guidance and task also will be more simplified with more examples.
There is a boy in this Smart class. He could not do any of the tasks given. He would run around the class, run outside of the class, go to the toilet and so on. He doesn't listen to teacher. When I discuss with other teachers, I get to know that this boy loves drawing and colouring. I also get to know that he is very good in drawing and colouring. So, I think of a simple method first. I find out that this student can't even write his own name. As the first step, I gave him different notebook. I gave him news book with blank on top and lines at bottom. I write capital 'a' for him and ask him to follow the letter. He did that since he doesn't need to write a lot. After he has finished writing, I asked him the things that starts with 'a'. He couldn't answer me correctly. I guide him to answer. After that I asked him to draw things that start with 'a' on top of the book and colour it. The boy draws apple, aeroplane, ant etc and colour it with the help of his other friends. I do the same for other alphabets too. The boy enjoys the lesson.
However, I know after some time the boy will definitely get bored with the same lesson every day. So, I try to