Ramond Knister
Essay by vishnuralhan • February 13, 2019 • Essay • 366 Words (2 Pages) • 906 Views
Paulo Coelho once stated, “One day you will wake up and their won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it know.” This quote explains that the only thing in life constant is change which means you should be doing the things one loves as you still can. Three themes relating to the poem change by Ramond Knister is one will face adversity throughout life, your values will stay constant as one advances throughout their journey and change happens with one staying the same. The poem suggests that change is constant in the way of life and does not change values and one will stay the same as they face adversity.
I shall not wonder more, then, But I shall know. In this sentence the author is expressing on how we advance throughout life without knowing we are facing adversity which makes us improved human beings. Leaves change, and birds, flowers and after years are still the same. This interpret suggest as we occur through our advance we will still remain the same forever. The sea’s breast heaves in sighs to the moon, But they are moon and sea forever. As we can already come to the conclusion on how again the sea and moon changes but will stay the same forever. As in other times the trees stand tense and lonely, and spread a hollow moan of other times. This shows us
I shall not wonder more, then, But I shall know. In this sentence the author is expressing on how we advance throughout life without knowing we are facing adversity which makes us improved human beings. Leaves change, and birds, flowers and after years are still the same. This interpret suggest as we occur through our advance we will still remain the same forever. The sea’s breast heaves in sighs to the moon, But they are moon and sea forever. As we can already come to the conclusion on how again the sea and moon changes but will stay the same forever. As in other times the trees stand tense and lonely, and spread a hollow moan of other times. This shows us