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Qbt 1 Task 1 Annotated Bibliography - Domestic Violence

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QBT 1 task 1 Annotated Bibliography

Thesis Statement

Studies show that male violence against their female partners is a growing problem because it serves as a way for men to gain control over their partners and women suffer it silently to maintain an image of stable relationship in the society and for the fear of retaliation. Therefore, it is a closed circle of violence and suffering.

Annotated Bibliography

About Domestic Violence (August, 2012) U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved from

In this study conducted by U.S department of Justice in various states of America explains how men abuse their wives/partners to gain control over them. The various methods used by them are physical, emotional, financial, sexual and psychological abuse. As a result of this study, they are able to show what Domestic Violence is, why it is inflicted on the women, and various methods of abuse by which men tries to gain control. This study also highlights the fact that a victim of domestic abuse can be from any socio- economic background and in any age group.The US department of Justice is a credible source because it's a premium government body to enforce the law by defending the interests of American citizens. It ensures public safety against foreign and domestic threats. It keeps researching about various issues rising from unlawful behavior of the people such as domestic violence against women, so that victims know about the forms of violence and their rights to fight against it. They review information after every three months keeping the viewers updated. This source is relevant with respect to the main points discussed in my research paper as it provides a detailed information on why men inflict violence on their female partners. Also, it details out other important information such as the physical, emotional, financial and psychological ways by which these men dominate their partners. It perfectly validates the first point of my thesis statement. (About Domestic violence, 2012)

Adams, A. E.; Sullivan, C. M., By bee, D.,Greeson, M. R. (May, 2012)."Development of the Scale of Economic Abuse". Violence Against Women ,563-588. Retrieved from

This study discusses the details about economic abuse inflicted on women by their husbands/live- in partners. It was conducted by interviewing 103 women survivors of the domestic abuse, who suffered at the hands of their husbands/live-in partners. It gives us an insight into how the lives of domestic abuse victim have been impacted by economic abuse. As a result of this study, it becomes very clear that men not only use physical or sexual violence but economic abuse too is very much prevalent in the society. This study forms a credible source as it has been conducted by the multidisciplinary group of faculty of Michigan University. Adrienne E. Adams, Cris M. Sullivan, Deborah Bybee, Megan R. Greeson are professors at Michigan University and have been engaged in community based, collaborative research and evaluation that is highly rigorous. Their studies have had significant practice and policy implications on local or state government (Faculty). This comprehensive study was released in 2012 and was put together with first hand details given by domestic abuse survivors which further adds to its credibility (Faculty). This study validates my thesis statement showing how men tries to gain control over women and economic abuse is one of their main method of doing it. It highlights how economic abuse affects the victim making her more vulnerable and helpless. In this helplessness they succumb to the demands of their husbands. (Adams, Sullivan, Bybee,& Greeson, 2008)

Bancroft. L (2003) , Why Does he do that? Inside the minds of Angry and controlling men, New York, Print

This book excellently explore the minds of angry and controlling men. It depicts the plight of women living with such men and tolerating the violent relationship for long. It also covers early warning signs, ten abusive personality types of men, the narrow mentality, problems with getting help from the legal system, and the long, complex process of change. This book forms a credible source as it is written by Lundy Bancroft, a former co-director of Emerge, the first U.S. Program for abusive men and have been a 15-year veteran of work with abusive men (Lundy Bancroft). Bancroft has written book after much research on abusive men during his career and it is highly recommended by state governments to be kept in emergency shelters (Lundy Bancroft). This resource gave me immense details to validate my first claim that men become violent in their zeal to establish control over women. It helped me describing various other factors like drugs, and alcohol which add to the violence in a relationship. (Bancroft. L, 2003)

Counts , D. (1999). To have and to hit - Cultural perspectives of Beating. Illinois : University of Illinios Press. DOI: Print

This book places the growing problem of wife beating into a broad cultural perspective. It traces the history of various countries and throws light on men's desire to dominate over his wife. This desire is feeded in them since their birth by society, giving them a feeling of being a superior to women in every aspect. This study also highlights the evil side of many cultures which promotes the domestic violence against women by giving free hand to men. This brutal act is done under the pretext of maintaining control over the female sex.This is a credible source of information for my research paper as the author Judith Brown has written a lot about domestic abuse. She has been a visiting scholar in esteemed Stanford university and spoke about gender bias and other issues concerning women. The information from this source forms the basis of my whole thesis statement. It has various case studies and field examples with author's perspectives which gave me knowledge about factors concerning wife beating and women's silence over it. It validates my thesis statement that wife beating and her silence is a vicious circle. (Counts. D, 1999)

Cycle of violence. (n.d.). Retrieved from

This source is a website which features articles on why men inflict violence on their female partners, why women stay, effects of violence on the victims and their children. This article gives to the point information on how men manipulate their partners after abusing them by apologizing, crying and making false promise to never get violent again.



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