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Prosperity in Tithing

Essay by   •  March 22, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  954 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,414 Views

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Prosperity Gospel is very common in today's world and prayer-houses have been very successful in drawing the flock to this kind of sermon. But the scriptural concept of tithing is often not well explained to the followers. This paper begins by introducing tithing as a covenant of blessing that man enters into with the God. It goes on to look at tithing accounts as recorded in the Scriptures and analyzes prosperity in tithing and establishes the primary message of prosperity Gospel.


Tithing is giving to God a portion of produce or income in order to enter a covenant of blessing with Him (Meyer: 3). According to the Word, tithing is a tenth of a person's earnings. God is seen as the author of all blessings and the creator of all that is. Men are merely managers that are entrusted to take care of the earthly possessions (Kreider: 9). In Genesis 1:26, God entrusts men to take care of fish, animals, and indeed all creation. And in Psalms 24:1, the Scripture says that the world is the Lord's, and who all who dwell in it. Tithing is therefore one way man establishes his relationship with the Creator. One who tithes experiences the love and blessings of God (Buess: 200).

Tithing accounts in the Bible

The first Scripture account of tithing is presented in Genesis. Abraham gives to Melchizedek the rewards of the battle when he rescued the women captives from the fallen kings (Genesis 14:18-20). Melchizedek on his part consecrates Abraham and thanks the Lord for the successful defeat. Abraham was plentifully blessed in return. In Genesis 28:20, Jacob promises God part of his produce if He accompanies him on the journey and brings him safely to his father. He returned as he asked for. Tithing was mainly mentioned in the Mosaic Law where Israelites were to offer their income and produce to support the poor and the priests. In return of their tithe, God assures them of their prosperity (Leviticus 27:32).

The New Testament does not mention the portion of tithe that one should offer to the Lord. The ten percent portion is instructed in the Old Covenant. Paul, for instance, teaches that men should give part of the produce or income to the Church, but does not label the percentage (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). In 2 Corinthians 9:7, Paul again says that a person should tithe to God from their heart without compulsion; for the most High appreciates a man who cheerfully gives than one who is compelled to give (Kreider: 8). New Testament stipulates four factors that a good follower must do when tithing: one, a Christian should be willing to give from the heart; two, a Christian should not be compelled to give; three, it must be given joyfully; and four, there must not be grudges when tithing. These are the conditions that an unbeliever, and



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