Prose Analysis "carrie" by Stephen King
Essay by Kill009 • June 27, 2012 • Essay • 1,913 Words (8 Pages) • 3,145 Views
Carrie novel by stephen king is talk about a freak girl who always be target of her school mates' trick. Carrie didn't realized if she has a telekinetic power which could move things without touching them. At the prom night, she was totaly different become a beautiful girl. At the prom night she elected to be a queen, but her friends throw her some pig blood into her. She become angry, shy, and shock with that and her power appear suddently. So her power become uncontroll and almost kill all people in that ball room.
In this project I will analyzed three characters in this novel, there are Carrie, Margaret white (Carrie's mother), and Mrs. Desdjardin (gym's teacher). The first character that I want to analyzed is Carrie. In my opinion, The novel Carrie is like a tale of an outcast girl gifted with the power of telekinesis, works as an update of the classic fairy tale. In my imagination, Carrie White is the tragic Cinderella character, a shy, socially awkward teenager at the lowest rungs of the high school society system. I think, Carrie is round and dynamic character. I said that Carrie is a round character, because in the character of Carrie, she is lonely and shy. In the novel, she undergoes a profound transformation, both physically and psychologically. She is a silly girl at her school, but in her house, she brave enough to say something rude to her mother, at page 59 the second and the third paragraph in the novel she screamed "you SUCK" and "you FUCK" to her mother. That means she has diffrerent attitude whether in her scholl or at her house. At school, carrie has no friends and seems to be a girl who is the brunt of just about every nasty trick that her school-not-mates can come up. There is something a little different about Carrie. She is shown as an outcast, loathed and taunted by her mates and constantly scolded by her mother, Margaret White(her mother) who an abusive, mentally unstable religious fanatic. She is very silly, freak, and pity girl in her school, I said that because it written on page 7 "Carrie stood dumly in the center of forming circle, water rolling from her skin in beads. She stood like a patient ox, aware that the joke was om her (as always), dumly embarrassed but unsuprised" and she is a freak and pity girl because her mother will not allow her to buy normal clothes like other girls her age, believe them to be too acative and outrageous.
Honestly, Carrie is still relatively normal and able to briefly stand up to her mother. If only her classmates didn't avoid her, she would be an intelligent and realistic young woman like the others. Carrie feels like no one cares to her. Her freakness also written on page 18 "she hated her face, her dull, stupid , bovine face, the vapid eyes, the red, shiny pimple, the nests of black heads. She hated her face most of all".
Honestly, Carire is not a freak and strange girl. I think, the reason why Carrie is different than the others, because she was educated and has live along time with her mother who was very fanacic religious person. Her mother treat her badly like, she doesn't allowed Carrie to dress like other poeple, and her mother also never tell her about sex education like menstruation. So she got shock when she had her first periode, she thought she is bledding and going to death. It is also written on page 11 " i'm bleeding to death!" Carrie scream"
The reasons why I said Carrie is dymamic character because there's some changes during the story. The first changes that is showed by Carrie is when she was invited to go to the prom with Tommy. She have big change, because Carrie who was very shy, freak, and lonely, but at that time with full consideration , she accept that. Carrie think thousand times to accept that, because she worried if that only a cruel trick, she worried if Tommy want to make her emberrased at the prom. Honestly Tommy do it purely, without any purpose. The other thing that supported to prove carrie is a dynamic character is, when she become a beautiful girl at the prom night. She wears a beautiful dress, she wearing lipstick, heels. When she arrived at the ball, everybody shocks with her new appearence, because she is very beautiful, and very different than usual. Because of her beauty, she was elected as a queen at that prom night, and Tommy as the king. At that time, when the presenter call her name, without her realized, she brave enough to walk, and stand at the stage, even she shock and confused. I think thats are some big changes for Carrie, from a shy, lonely, and freak girl, she become a beautiful, confidence and admired by people in that ball. It's written on page168 on last paragraph " Carrie was glad to sit down. It was all happening too fast. Her legs were trembling under her".
I think the last changes for carrie is when the pig blood drop onto her, she was laughed by everybody in that ball. The beautiful, confidence and admiring person, become an emberrased, bullied, and freak person again. She stand shockly with that pig blood on the stage. She uncoscious, angry, shy, and her power suddenly appear and she cannot controll her power, and it almost kill