Project ( Library)
Essay by kindyy • December 29, 2016 • Lab Report • 3,790 Words (16 Pages) • 1,498 Views
Modern library hard to imagine without a computer and specialized software to simplify how the work of the library and the selection of the necessary publication of users. Such systems allow convenient and fast to work with a huge number of different kinds of publications provide the ability to view availability of books, reserve and order books.
However, highly specialized literature it is difficult to find as a simple library and a bookstore. Mainly the literature of similar content can be found, for example, the departments of Universities. In addition, for a small number of publications is not necessary to create your library. To solve this problem, you need a web application which would provide access to a list of books, tracking the return of books, etc.
The aim of the course work was the implementation of web – libraries.
Among the tasks of the course work may be noted:
1. The ideological description of the system.
2. The design of the system.
3. Writing code and testing systems.
1. The design of the website
1.1 Project Plan
Description of the project and develop:
The Web site "Library" is designed to work with printed books in the library. Web site the Library developed using PHP, HTML, JAVA oriented server Apache and DBMS MySQL. Access to the site can be accessed by any user, however, take a printed edition can only the user who passes the registration procedure in the system.
1.2 Constraints on the development process
1. Time limit: all steps should be conducted in a period from 01.11.16–31.12.16.
2. Command restriction: the project is being developed by Assylzhan Bayanbayev, all work in the development of the project was made by one people.
2. Requirements specification
2.1 Initial list of requirements
The website library code testing:
● Resource Manager registers the users and administrators. Provides users and administrators with a username and password.
● Information about users should be stored in the database resource. The database contains the following information: username, password, name, status, position, phone, mail.
Information about books must be stored in the database resource. The database contains the following information: ID, date, title, author, text, the ID of the user who took the book, the time of the last take book.
● Should have implemented authentication and authorization of system users.
● Authentication and authorization users of the system should occur by checking the entered username and password with the username and password in the database resource.
● User should be able to view information about the book, borrow and return books.
● Should have implementation procedure of blacklisting, users who return books after their due date.
● Add, delete, modify information about books and users is the administrators of the resource.
2.2 Domain Model. The entities and relationships between them. Possible data model for these objects. The scope of the system developed
The domain model
Developed a software product is an electronic library. The system divides the access rights at Administrator and User.
The user system provides the opportunity to work with the books available in the library, that is, to borrow books, return books, browse information about the books. The book is issued to the user for a period of thirty days if, after the expiry of this period, the user does not return a book, he falls into the black list.
For administrators the system provides the opportunity to work with account users and card books. The administrator can change, add, and delete information about users, also he can add, edit, and delete information about the books.
Any visitor coming into the system, without authorization, can view the information about any book, but can't take the book.
The domain objects
– "DB" is a Database that stores all the records of "Users" and "Books", and the "Users" and "Administrators".
– "User" and "Administrator" – People with different access rights to the system.
– "Shell" – Presented in the form of html pages and PHP pages their manufacturing.
The relationships between the objects:
"Student" is studying the shell, and data results are stored in a "database", then the Administrator checks the data. The administrator can change the "Shell".
The scope of the system developed
The system is intended to simplify the accounting and control over the books in small libraries. The system allows to increase the availability of books and other printed publications to users.
2.3 Models of system users
The User "Administrator"
1. After successful authentication the user navigates to the Administration page where the user can navigate to the page: "Edit book" and "Edit users".
2. If the user has selected "Edit book", then it will display a list of all the books, and gives the opportunity to remove and edit the existing books and add new book.
3. If the user chooses to add a book, he will be given a page "Create a book" where you will need to fill out a form.
4. If the user selects "Edit user", then it will display a list of all users, and given the opportunity to remove and edit existing users and add new user.
5. If the user chooses to add a user, he will be given a page "Create user" where you will need to fill out a form.
6. When you click on the link "Log Out" the user will finish the work in the system.
The User "User"
7. After successful authentication the user navigates to the page "All books", where the user can navigate to one page: "My books" and "Overdue books." The user can back to "All books" at any time.
8. If the user has selected "My books", then it will display a list of all the books which were taken by the user, and the opportunity to view the description or to return the book.