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Product and Tech Management

Essay by   •  May 21, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,898 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,633 Views

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As one of the lead managers for the U.S built manufacturing company PPQ Parts, I have been graciously handed the task of finding a software package that will give PPQ everything they need when it comes to having a top notch system for their Materials requirements planning (MRP), Capacity requirement planning (CRP), and Enterprise resource planning (ERP). I will look at two totally different software packages for every category and give my recommendations for the best at the end.

The first software systems that will be looked at are for the Materials Requirements Planning (MRP). "This system is a planning tool geared specifically to assembly operations. The aim is to allow each manufacturing unit to tell its supplier what parts it requires and when it requires them. The supplier may be the upstream process within the plant or an outside supplier. Together with MRP it is probably the most widely used planning and scheduling tool in the world. MRP was created to tackle the problem of 'dependent demand'; determining how many of a particular component is required knowing the number of finished products" (IFM, 2012).

The first software system looked at was called E2 Shop System. It has been selected as the University of Notre Dame's software program of choice to be placed in their College of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Program. By using this system the company is able to bring all of its working operations into one system. Such as estimating how much it will cost to make items, keep track of inventory, scheduling the making of products, the purchasing, and even control the accounting for the company including payroll and employees on staff at all times.

This system was designed specifically for manufacturing companies to help make life a little bit easier for everyone involved with the company, the program works off of real time meaning everything the software shows users is updated immediately when any changes are made from any user.

With this system anyone who is a registered user within the system itself can do multiple things just by a tap of a button. For instance a manager can get quotes for up- coming products that are going to be made, get plans, instructions, send emails, faxes or receive either one straight through the E2 Shop System. This system is very easy to use because of everything being done strictly through the computer there is nothing that is not self explanatory. If there is something that cannot be figured out whether it be at midnight or mid-day technical support is standing by 24 hours a day 7 days a week to answer any questions a company may have whether big or small.

Each customer/company is also assigned a shop-tech consultant that stays with the company even after the system is installed. The consultant will help design the system to fit in directly with your needs. They also can set up classes that will benefit your employees in getting to know the new system and be able to operate it fully. The cost of using this program is different for each company and must be requested by each individual company. A pro to using this company would be the great customer service and always having someone just a phone call away who can help you with any problems you may be facing. A con with this software is just like with any other is if bad weather conditions occur the software may not work right causing time to be lost and products to not be made or shipped out on time

The second software system I looked at was ECI M1. The M1 business management system is built for the smaller to medium size companies that would like to get used to everything that a higher priced system can do but without the high cost. This system has many useful features such as the ability to store email addresses, and contact information not only for the employees who work within the company itself but also for suppliers, buyers, and those that you have contact with outside the company. With this information the ability to email anyone information is at your fingertips constantly.

Another, great feature that comes with this software is knowing what you have in stock and how much it will cost to make more of the same product. You can also print shipping labels off as orders are fulfilled to make sure the right order goes to the right person. This is a great software system, aside from just being able to control inventory and orders the company is also able to keep track of employees, hours worked, and payroll accounts. M1 is an easy to use system that runs off of Windows XP/7/2003/2008 because of this the system is easy to use, understand, and navigate. It can be compared to the easiness of running Microsoft word, Outlook, or Google Maps.

M1 can be customized to fit each individual company and can be geared towards what the company most needs, instead of what they don't need or won't use. M1 treats every company as an individual and helps each one in their own unique way. Their software systems can be installed in between 3-6 months. The cost is also dependant on the business but prides itself on being a better company but having much lower prices than any competitor. A pro to this company is being able to do the same things as a big company can do. A con is not having a 24/7 call center open if problems arise with the software.

The second set of software systems being looked at are Capacity requirement planning (CRP). "An accounting method used to determine



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