Problem Prevention
Essay by pstrjdog • March 6, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,854 Words (8 Pages) • 1,510 Views
The following list is how you should design your paper:
I. Introduction
The Apostle Paul expresses a profound understanding as he addresses the Romans, "For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them:...". (NKJV Romans 12:4-6) This is the epidomy of community. In a class room it should not be any different. Teachers should be just as receiving of the gifts of the students as the students are receiving of the teacher's gifts and talent. As teachers ebb and flow through out lessons, plans and the daily grind of teaching and learning, it should be kept in mind that this classroom as well as the school and the community in which it is, are one body and offer to themselves many abilities and gifts that could be offered and used inside as well as outside of the seemingly independent classroom. A school system is made up of more than a group of individuals doing their own prospective job or duty. A framework should be in place that grows learners and create path ways that are patterned and sequenced for their development. How can the social, physical and mental maturation processors be chaperoned by parents, teachers, counselors and peers. Can a learning theory based on the concept of community help define and grow you learners into well adjusted and educated young adults.
II. Learning Theory and its importance
Learning theory has been defined as a process of cognitive, emotional and influential experiences within an environment based in education and psychology. (Slavin, 2008) The educational environment should be a series of places where the gaining of knowledge and wisdom is accompanied by enhancements and introductions of changes in a persons perception of the world. A customized learning theory should have multiple areas in it focus and should address a few important areas of the learning process.
Behavioral learning has its foundations in the understanding how the roles of consequences, reinforcers, and punishers shape the learning environment. Consequences of pleasure strengthen learning and displeasing consequences will in effect weaken learning behaviors. Reinforcers on the other hand are not so simple. The giver of reinforcement must be enforcing good behaviors or the learned bad behaviors will be more heavily rooted. Thereby turning a negative reinforcement into a misunderstood punishment. This being said it can be seen that consequences that weaken behavior are known as punishers. It is important that behavioral learning happens in direct succession with the desired behavior. If the correction or enforcement is not immediate then the desired behavior reoccurring will not be likely.
The four phases of social learning will also contribute to a customized learning theory. Attentiveness, retention of modeled habits, reproduction of those habits and motivation for repetition are the basis for this learning model. The use of vicarious learning in the classroom can give social cues to the learners to bring about learning based on observation of other's behaviors and their consequences.
Phases of information-processing and cognitive learning will also need to be included in the process of customizing a learning theory and its environment. Structures of memory can be included in order to process information into learned skills or facts. This is the real process of applying knowledge. Cognitively students will learn by applying knowledge in certain strategies presented by the teacher, parent or leader of the meaningful process.
Understand that without the above mentioned behaviors and strategies there cannot be an environment conducive to learning. These structures are foundational for the forming of direction and the sometimes necessary, redirection of learners. It is imperative that instructional plans keep in its conception these variables and their abilities to help foster growth in knowledge and wisdom.
III. Description of an effective teacher and learning environment (Be sure to include discussions of direct instruction, technology, motivation, classroom management--see below.)
Description of an effective teacher
Direct Instruction
There is no substitute for the primary teaching style of direct instruction. Whether the teacher is working hands on with one student at a time or focused on teaching a lesson in front of 25, the purposeful teaching of knowledge through direct instruction is a strong form of the presentation of information, skills or concepts. There is a strong strategy for this style founded in the 1970's and 1980's. First the instructor will communicate the learning objectives. Then they will catch up the learners to any necessary skills that are needed for the new material. The next process is to present the new materials. After this presentation the educator will pose questions to access the all around understanding, and then give the learners the opportunity to practice the new material on their own. The educator will assess the personal practice give feedback and help to increase chances of remembrance it is best to give the learners future opportunities to apply the material in different circumstances.
There are still many elements with-in