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Presidential Debate 2012

Essay by   •  October 24, 2012  •  Essay  •  625 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,599 Views

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I was excited to watch the presidential debate of 2012. The first debate was between President Obama and his challenger Governor Mitt Romney that aired on television live this past week. I believe that the debate was neutral, thus no one winning this debate. But from the beginning of the debate the two candidates seem like they were going to give a one heck of show for the country to sit back and watch.

Nine times out of ten, political debates do not produce clear winners and losers, and again I believe that neither of them did their best. Obama did not make any major mistakes, neither did Romney, but it was clear Obama was not at his best. He reminded me of President George W. Bush looking at his watch or/and looking down during a debate with Governor Bill Clinton, you got the feeling he wanted to be somewhere else (hence the fact it was his anniversary). The way I saw it, Romney was sharp on the economy but he was also talking a bunch of foolishness and Obama did not respond to him effectively.

Romney's criticism of the President's focus on the health care reform at a time when the nation was submerged in the worse economic situation since the Great Depression. That is a point that I and others have made before, and it is captivating. Romney also compared his own experience with health care reform as Governor of Massachusetts when he worked with a legislature overwhelmingly Democratic, with that of President Obama whose health care plan received almost no support from Republicans. Something as big and important as health care reform demands a two-party support. This is where Obama was not at his best, he could have replied that he found no Republicans to work with, but he went ahead without them and now his program is vulnerable.

Nevertheless, What I mostly took from this debate is that Barack Obama wants to cut taxes for the middle class. He believes that when the middle class does better, the economy does better. I completely agree with Obama administration. This interests me because as a future tax payer, I don't think it's fair for people like Mitt Romney, who are millionaires to only be paying 13.9% of the tax rate. However ,I do believe that the upper class should be taxed more than the middle class, because obviously they make more to pay more.

Romney wants to help small businesses. He wants to lower rates to get more people working. He also doesn't want to raise taxes on anyone. The Romney administration believes that if you raise taxes on the rich, it will kill jobs for the people. He also proposed to keep the Bush tax cuts permanent for all income levels, and then cut all rates by an additional 20 percent. He also said he would repeal the alternative minimum tax and permanently repeal the estate tax. President Obama however, said that Romney's tax cuts would cost 5 trillion dollars. Romney has vetoed that statement.




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