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Pregnancy Nutrition Case Study

Essay by   •  May 19, 2018  •  Case Study  •  4,316 Words (18 Pages)  •  1,672 Views

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List of Questions


Answer to Questions


Identification of Problems


Solution to Problems

8- 19



List of questions

  1. Who is Linda?
  2. Is it okay for Linda to lose weight during pregnancy?
  3. How does being overweight affect Linda’s pregnancy?
  4. Does Linda have health problem before pregnancy?
  5. What is the normal weight for pregnant woman?
  6. What are the food that good for baby in Malaysia?
  7. What’s Linda’s usual eating habits before pregnancy that makes her overweight?
  8. Is Linda active before pregnancy?
  9. How long have Linda been pregnant?
  10. What is the current activity that can affect pregnancy?
  11. What is Linda’s BMI before pregnant?
  12. What is Linda’s eating habit while she is in her pregnancy?
  13. What is Linda’s current condition?

Answer to question

Who is Linda?

Linda is a pregnant woman who has an overeating problem since before her pregnancy and being overweight. She also not active in physical activities since before her pregnancy. Linda also a daughter of Pak Mail, which she need to take care of. She also has loss her mother, therefore she does not have a guidance from her close family for her first pregnancy. Plus, this is her first pregnancy, therefore she has no experience and also less knowledge about pregnancy eating habit and physical activity.

Is it okay for Linda to lose weight during pregnancy?

It is not a good idea for Linda to lose weight during pregnancy as it is not good for her and her baby health during pregnancy. Since Linda is slightly overweight, means she does not have to worry because she might be losing her weight during early of her pregnancy if she’s having morning sickness and nausea. If she doesn’t she can prevent it by consult with doctor and take supplements as consulted by doctor.

How does being overweight affect Linda’s pregnancy?

Being overweight might affect complication during Linda’s pregnancy and labour. There are some complication such as pre-eclampsia and pre mature birth. Somehow, Linda also should not lose her weight during pregnancy because it will cause another health problem of her and her baby. Since that Linda is slightly overweight she might not to worry too much about it because she might be losing some of her weight during early of her pregnancy due to morning sickness and nausea.

Does Linda have health problem before pregnancy?

Linda is slightly overweight before her pregnancy and she also might be in normal BMI during pregnancy because she might lose her weight if she have nausea and morning sickness.

What is the normal weight for pregnant woman?

There are three categories for the normal weight pregnant woman which is average weight, underweight and overweight. A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds. And overweight women may need to gain only 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy.

What are the food that good for baby in Malaysia?

        For starting, try offering 1 or 2 spoonful food like Gluten-free cereal, such as baby rice, sago, maize, cornmeal or millet, mixed with your baby's milk, puréed or mashed cooked vegetables, such as carrot, parsnip or potato, mashed or puréed fruits, such as banana, cooked apple, pear or mango. Once baby is eating this kind of food, move to a little heavy food like bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and noodles, milk and dairy foods, meat, fish, eggs and beans. It is important to offer baby eat savoury foods as well as sweet at this stage, or she may develop a sweet tooth.


What’s Linda’s usual eating habits before pregnancy that makes her overweight?

Firstly, the normal RDA for adult woman as in total kilocalories is 2000 kcal per day. (Malaysia, 2005). However if Linda was overweight before her got pregnant, she probably consumed more than 2000 kcal per day. This is because of many reasons. Firstly Linda probably did not aware of her body weight because either she didn’t bother to check it or she didn’t even have time to do that because she had to take care of her father, Pak Mail. Next is she was an emotional eater. Maybe before the pregnancy, Linda was always emotional because we all know that Linda’s mother were not around and she probably miss her mother, so she found the solace in food. Third is, she maybe like to eat fast food and mostly fried food. ( )

Is Linda active before pregnancy?

The answer is probably not. If she was overweight, that mean she was not practiced any physical activities in her daily life to burn some calories and lose some weight.

                     [pic 1]

How long have Linda been pregnant?

Linda may have been pregnant for about 4 months which is in the second trimester.

What is the current activity that can affect pregnancy?

The activities that can affect Linda’s pregnancy are cycling, contact sport, gymnastic, running and others activities that have a risk for falling or increases the chance of trauma to her abdomen.

What is Linda’s BMI before pregnant?

Since Linda is overweight before she got pregnant, so Linda’s BMI before pregnant is more than or equal to 25 kg/m2

What is Linda’s eating habit while she is in her pregnancy?

She was probably eats a lot during her pregnancy as she was engaged with that eating habit since before her pregnancy. However, she is planning to try eating healthily for the sake of her health and also her baby. While she is in her pregnancy, if she is in her first trimester, she do not have to add extra calories in her diet based on the normal calories needed per day for a woman who is not in pregnancy. For the second trimester, she need to add up another 340 extra kilocalories and for the third trimester or the last stage of pregnancy, she only need to add up another 450 extra kilocalories in her diet. (Jill,C, 2013).



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