Pre-Feasibility Cum Environmental Status Report for Modernisation, Balancing & Expansion Program at Orient Paper Mills
Essay by Paul • August 15, 2011 • Research Paper • 7,500 Words (30 Pages) • 2,247 Views
Essay Preview: Pre-Feasibility Cum Environmental Status Report for Modernisation, Balancing & Expansion Program at Orient Paper Mills
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Environmental Initiatives & Programmes
1.2 Awards & Recognition
2.0 Orient Paper Mills- A Brief Profile
3.0 The Existing Plant - Brief Details
3.1 Plant Site
3.2 Plant & Equipments
3.3 Manufacturing Process
3.4 Requirement & Availability of Raw Materials & Chemicals
3.5 Requirement & Availability of Utilities
3.6 Wastewater Generation, treatment & disposal
3.6.1 Process wastewater treatment & disposal system
3.6.2 Domestic wastewater treatment & disposal system
3.7 Air Pollution Control
3.8 Solid Waste generation & disposal
3.9 Cost of Existing Pollution control facilities
3.10 Prevailing pollution control norms
4.0 The Proposed Modernization, Balancing & Expansion Programme
4.1 Objectives of Proposed Modernization, Balancing & Expansion Programme
4.2 Specifications & cost of the plant & equipments
4.3 Means of Financing
4.4 Cost of relief & rehabilitation programmes
4.5 Compensation/cost to be paid towards the land
4.6 Occupation Health expenses, social welfare activities plan & expenses
4.7 Cost of Environmental protection measures
4.8 Availability of Resources
4.9 Availability of markets
4.10 Possible threats from natural calamities etc.
4.11 Project profitability
4.12 Project Schedule
5.0 Environmental Performance of the mill on completion of the project
5.1 Improvement in specific consumption of major inputs
5.2 Improvement in wastewater characteristics
5.3 Air emissions
5.4 Solid waste management
Annx.1: Lay out Plan
Annx.2: Process Flow Sheet
Annx.3: ETP Flow sheet
Annx.4: Project profitability
Annx.5: Bar Charts for Project Schedule
One of the major issues of public debate is the balance between industrialisation and economic growth on one hand and environmental regulation and pollution control on the other. On one hand, industrialisation resulted in raising the standard of living, employment & infrastructure development and on the other; it has played havoc with the state of our natural resources. Most of the cities and rural areas in the vicinity of an industry suffer from air pollution and majority of the rivers, big or small are polluted due to the industrial effluent discharge. Some of the long-term adverse environmental impacts of industrialisation are only now coming to light, with the changing emphasis on research in environment and pollution control. There is a need to harmonise developmental activities with the environmental concerns.
It is now universally recognised that the development has to be sustainable. For this purpose, a regulatory framework has been laid down by the Govt. of India with specific guidelines for siting of the industries and assessment of the environmental impacts of the industrial projects. These guidelines have been further revised in September 2006.
In addition, the Central Pollution Control Board, based on the industry-specific interaction meetings, evolved a Charter on Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection (CREP), listing out time-bound action points in respect of 17 highly-polluting categories of industries including the pulp & Paper sector, for progressive up-gradation of technologies and in-plant practices for reduction of effluents and emissions as well as improvement in waste management systems. The implementation of CREP is being regulated by the State Pollution Control Board.
It is also being increasingly realized that a purely regulatory approach to tackle environmental pollution has serious limitations and this needs to be supplemented by a greater awareness and commitment on the part of the industry to manufacture the products in an environmentally acceptable and sound manner under the overall objective of sustainable development.
The Orient Paper Mill, set up on the west bank of river Sone at Village Amlai in Shahdol District in Madhya Pradesh in the year 1965 has, over the years, taken steps to gradually improve its environmental performance comparable to the best in the industry. To this end, the mill has invested in plant upgradation to comply with the CREP. In addition, a modest program for modernization, balancing, expansion of its production facilities has now been undertaken, brief details of which have been provided subsequently in this report.
The company has taken the following initiatives to improve the environmental performance: