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Physical and Psychological Regulations to the Rules of Ncaa Collegiate Baseball

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Physical and Psychological Perspective To The Rules of NCAA Collegiate Baseball

The NCAA is obligated to formulate a regulated set of rules for each athletic event that is considered an NCAA sport. This set of rules not only explains how the game is played, down to the minute details, but how to minimize any chance of physical injury to all involved. Though not all sports are on the same level physically, each sport has a psychological aspect to it as well as a skill set unique to that sport. Athletes who participate in these sports should be committed to these rules and regulation to uphold the integrity of the game, thus bringing a good name to whichever institution they represent.

The rules and regulation behind the game of collegiate baseball is a prime example of how the NCAA tries to limit physical injury to all involved (players, coaches, fans, etc.) , as well as how psychology plays a role to those who participate. In the following paragraphs I will explain ten NCAA regulated rules to the game of baseball, and analyze how each fits into the physical rule, psychological rule, or both categories. Each rule has separate sections pertaining to different aspects of that rule, and many have sub-sections that go into further detail. For example, a rule documented as "8-4-c" would reference the 8th rule, 4th section of that rule, and the sub-section "c" for said rule.

The rules mentioned in this paragraph will be of a physical nature. The first rule taken into consideration is documented as 1-5-a. The 1st rule is pertaining to "The Game, Playing Field, and Equipment," the 5th section is titled "New Fields," and the sub-section "a" states, " It is recommended that a warning track be constructed in front of the outfield fence, backstop, and dugout areas. The warning track should be a minimum of 15 feet in width (NCAA, 2011-2012, p.18)." This is a physical rule because as a player in this sport there will come a time when you are running full speed towards a fence while you are following the trajectory of a baseball, the warning track lets you know that you are getting close to the fence and should take the necessary precautions to avoid injury to yourself or others. When the warning track is reached you know that the ball is getting close to being out of play whether it's a foul ball or a home run, and whether you should continue to make the play or let it go. The next rule is documented as 1-14-g. The 1st rule is pertaining to "The Game, Playing Field, and Equipment," the 14th section is titled "Uniforms," and the sub-section "g" states, " It is required that base coaches wear a helmet. Play will not continue until compliance with this rule is met. It is recommended that the helmet meet NOCSAE standards ( NCAA, 2011-2012, p. 24)." This is a physical rule because the base coaches are positioned on the field to the right and left of 1st and 3rd base respectively. This puts them in a position where a lot of balls are hit there way, and the helmet is required to prevent any serious head trauma that could occur. Since the helmets meet NOCSAE standards they are of the best quality to prevent injury. The next rule is documented as 1-15-c. The 1st rule is pertaining to "The Game, Playing Field, and Equipment," the 15th section is titled "Protective Equipment," and the sub-section "c" states, " Catcher's Throat Guard. It is required that all catchers have a built in or attachable throat guard on their masks ( NCAA, 2011-2012, p. 25)." This is a physical rule because catchers are athletes whose main role is to catch/stop any ball thrown to them by a pitcher. The pitchers in college baseball can throw within a range of 60-100 miles per hour, and most of the time the ball will not just go straight into the catcher's mitt. The catcher is responsible to place his body in a position to immobilize any wild pitches which occasionally will bounce up towards their head. The throat guard of the catcher's mask helps to prevent injury to the athlete's throat and airway area. Since the helmets meet NOCSAE standards they are of the best quality to prevent injury. The next rule is documented as 3-9. The 3rd rule is pertaining to "Game Personnel and Their Duties," the 9th section is titled "Medical Personnel," and it states, " Aggressive treatment of open wounds or skin lesions should be followed. In particular, when an athletics participant suffers a laceration or wound where oozing or bleeding occurs, the practice or game should be stopped at the earliest possible time, and the athlete should leave the field of play be given appropriate medical treatment. During pregame practice, the athlete should not return to the field of play without the approval of medical personnel. If, during a game, the athlete can be treated without undue delay, play shall be stopped until the athlete has received treatment and is cleared to play by medical personnel. However, if the bleeding requires extensive treatment, a substitute shall replace the injured player ( NCAA, 2011-2012, p. 47)." This is a physical rule because in the case of a laceration or bleeding, oozing wound to the athlete, the player's physical well-being is top priority. Getting medical personnel involved will make sure that the athlete allows the appropriate amount of rehab to pass before they return to the field of play. Finally the last rule is documented as 4-2-a. The 4th rule is pertaining to "Pregame Procedures," the 2nd section is titled "Fitness of Field," and the sub-section "a" states, " The coach and the director of athletics (or representative) of the host institution shall decide whether a game shall not be started because of unsatisfactory conditions of weather or playing field, except for the second game of a double header ( NCAA, 2011-2012, p. 49)." This is a physical rule because when it comes to the weather, all who are involved with the event are at risk if things go awry. Conditions such as lightning or strong winds are definitely unfit for play, and the well-being of everyone has precedence over a game.

The rules



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