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Personality Theory Case

Essay by   •  November 20, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,094 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,727 Views

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Personality Theory

"Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory in psychology whereas people can strive to meet his or her higher basic form of needs successively" (Cherry, 2012). Abraham Maslow was one of the founders to the driving forces behind the humanistic psychology theory and the theory of hierarchy of needs. Abraham Maslow main interest was to improve mental health by seeking personal growth, which had a lasting influence on psychology. Abraham Maslow concept of the needs of hierarchy would motivate people to fulfill their basic need before moving on to a more advanced level of needs. The pyramid of hierarchy is a display of the most basic for food, water, sleep, warmth on each level of need is met to progress to the first level of need, which is safety and security. Moving on to the second need of the pyramid are psychological, social, love, friendship, and intimacy becoming one of the most important need in the second level of needs. Further up the pyramid is last major priority of need, which is personal esteem and feeling. Maslow emphasizes on the highest level of the pyramid which is growth and development for a person to achieve self-actualization. Maslow believes that each need plays a major role in motivating behavior in psychological, in security, socially, and esteem are the needs to have the desire to grow as a person (Cherry, 2012).

The workplace gives employees the motivation and the goal to face difficult obstacles or adverse circumstances but through motivation and persistence employees can keep pursing there goal for greater opportunities. The workplace can motivate employees to work harder, produce higher quality of work and search for a more fulfilling career to remain engaged in work employees need a range of motivation. Many companies want to satisfy their employees extrinsically (financial level) and intrinsically (Psychological level) (Sadri & Bowen, 2011).

According to Sadri and Bowen (2011) in the journal believe the Theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs can be used as a framework to identify the various benefits organization can offer to satisfy their employees' needs and in turn, increase revenue, and reduce expenses. Psychology professor Abraham Maslow's theory proposed in 1943 identifies the five basic human needs that underlie all of human activity (p5.)

Fundamental Behavior

Maslow's hierarchy of fundamental behavior of needs is one of the theories of personal motivation. The theory can help companies organize programs that can motivate employees, retain employees loyalty, reduce turnover, recruit quality employees, and ultimately increase productivity and net income (Sadri & Bowen, 2011). The five basic needs can help employees reach the succeeding level of the pyramid of hierarchy through motivation and job satisfaction. Motivating employees through reward can help satisfy the needs in psychology, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization, which can help individual progress in each level in self- satisfaction (Sadri & Bowen, 2011).

Psychological Needs

The most important psychological need, consist of food, air, water, and shelter as well as the need to be active, to rest, and to sleep Sadri & Bowen (2011). Many individuals list salary at their top of their list because it is an important factor when considering a job. Money is a vigorous part of an individual's psychological need because food, clothing is part obtaining a place to live and the amount of salary earned in a healthy life. Balancing work and life is an important factor for individuals who are considering working for a company who can offer vacations time and extra days off during the holidays for potential employees



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