Personality Development Paper
Essay by Marry • April 18, 2012 • Essay • 420 Words (2 Pages) • 2,464 Views
Personality Development Paper
According to McCrae and Costa, some basic elements of our personality do not change over the life span. There are five factors that have a low and high score. These five factors are: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Neuroticism includes traits like tense, moody, and anxious. The low score is calm, relaxed, satisfied with self, clear-cut personality, and prides self on objectivity. The high score is thin-skinned, basically anxious, irritable, and guilt-prone. This type of factor would not classify me because I am not tense, moody or anxious. Extraversion encompasses such more specific traits as talkative, energetic, and assertive. The low score is emotionally bland, avoids close relationships, over-control of impulses, and submissive. The high score is talkative, gregarious, socially poised, and behaves assertively. This factor wouldn't describe me because I am not very talkative, if anything I'm shy, and I am not assertive. I can be at times energetic, but anyone can. I would have to say that my personality could be made up by three factors, the agreeableness, openness, and conscientiousness factor. The agreeableness factor's low score is: critical, skeptical, shows condescending behavior, tries to push limits, and expresses hostility directly. The high score has traits like: sympathetic, considerate, warm, compassionate, arouses liking, and behaves in a giving way. I believe I am this type of factor because I am sympathetic, kind, and affectionate. Openness includes traits like having wide interests, and being imaginative and insightful. The low score is favors conservative values, judges in conventional terms, uncomfortable with complexities, and moralistic. The high score is values intellectual matters, rebellious, nonconforming, unusual thought processes, and introspective. I believe I am this type of factor because I have a wide variety of interests, and I am imaginative. The conscientiousness low score has traits like: eroticizes situations, unable to delay gratification, self-indulgent, engages in fantasy, and daydreams. The conscientiousness factor's high score has traits like: behaves ethically, dependable, responsible, productive, and has high aspiration levels. I believe that I am this type of factor because I am organized, thorough, and plan full. I do think it has been this way since I was young because I was always kind, affection, organized, and I always had a good solid plan before doing a task. I do believe I will stay this way the rest of my life because this is how I am, how I feel comfortable. I think that these five factors that McCrae and Costa came up with is an excellent strategy to figure out one-self.