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Personal Leader Development Plan

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Personal Leader Development Plan


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Saravanan M Ganesan

IMBA 216-50 Human Resource Management

13 Feb, 2019


Effective organizations recognize the need to tap each member’s skills, abilities and talents for leadership. Leaders of all kinds need and benefit from development. But it can’t happen in a day or over a week-end. No matter how much knowledge leaders bring to the table, they need time, practice and guidance to process the unique information of a specific association. Self-leadership is the capability to achieve the direction and motivation to positively influence my own performance. It’s about achieving personal excellence and mastery.

Self-leadership means empowering myself by gaining high levels of self-efficacy and self-confidence in my own ability to complete tasks and reach goals. It’s about becoming the best possible self, gaining an unique competitive advantage by developing a strong and unmistakable personal brand, and being unstoppable in making my dreams a reality by achieving my personal and professional goals. In this journal, I am sharing my experiences and concepts I followed in drafting my leadership development plan to document the process of self-analysis, personal reflection and honest appraisal of my strengths and weaknesses.

Establishing Purpose or Direction

The purpose of any development activity needs to be identified. As part of the self-analysis result, the needs may be identified by myself or with the help of my manager, mentor, career coach, colleagues, or friends. This involves gaining an awareness of my current standing and future potential within the chosen field or sector, gaining a measure of what am I good at and interested in due to motivation, taking account of the organizational realities encountered and  linking my plans to organizational needs as much as possible. Following are my targeted purpose for my leadership development plan.


Identifying Development Needs

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The identification of development needs may emerge from intended or actual new tasks or responsibilities, from discussions with my manager or others. Some people know what they are good at, others may be less sure. Various instruments such as self-assessment tests, benchmarking exercises and personal diagnostics are available to help you assess personal skills in a structured way. The development needs will depend largely upon my career goals. If I intend to remain in similar employment, I may need development to re-motivate or re-orient myself, or to improve my current performance and effectiveness. Alternatively, development may be required to prepare you for promotion, my next job, a new career or self-employment.

Identifying learning opportunities

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The learning opportunities are formalized under 3 categories. 70% of the learning would be through hands-on experience by participating targeted assignments, job rotations, leading a cross functional team or special projects. 20% of the learning would be through informal exposure to targeted job role through mentoring, supplier / customer visits, coaching and external seminars or university partnerships. The last 10% of the learning would be through formal education such as class room training on leadership skills, professional certifications through approved educational institutions or even company sponsored higher degrees.

In the current business environment of rapid development and improvements, particularly in technology and systems, successful leaders must be flexible as they adapt to the tremendous changes encountered in a highly complex world. I believe that leadership expertise is not developed rapidly, but that instead it is a daily process. The sum of my education and experiences, enhanced by my perspective and observations, comprise the foundation upon which I will develop as a leader.

In this plan, I have focused on those aspects of leadership that I believe most require development to enable my “Personal Leadership Development Plan” success, as well as those which will be important in future career changes. I have established a starting point to guide me through the development process. I expect this plan will be changed and altered as required by life and circumstances. It is essential, however, to begin. By beginning my journey I can further strengthen my characteristics of strength of action.



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