Personal Essay
Essay by Greek • July 13, 2011 • Essay • 372 Words (2 Pages) • 1,675 Views
I've made many mistakes and faced various obstacles in my life but I intend to better myself for the future. I'm a very caring person with a big heart. I love to help other and others to help me. Being there for my family is very important to me. At first I may seem very shy until you get to know me then I am talkative.
I have an eighteen month old son whose name is Skyler Davis. I also have four half-brothers that I do not see very much unless they want something. I do not have many people that I can call family because I am a disappointment to them. They do not live around me so it does not matter to me anyways. The family that I do have lives on my street and they are always here for as I am for them. They mean the world to me and I would do anything for them.
My school years were a blast. In elementary school I was an excellent student and teachers loved me. I always got awards for my grades and doing good deeds. In junior high I made lots of friends and enjoyed learning new things. High School was not a big success for me because I got caught up with the wrong people and did drugs. In tenth grade I got pregnant and dropped out to get my GED. After I got my GED I went straight to college. Not many people in my family graduated from college and I've seen how their living and I do not want to be like them.
Criminal Justice is what I'm majoring in and I intend to be a probation officer. My father has been through a few legal issues that sent me to foster home for three months and that inspired me to go into criminal justice. I want a good future for my son and I. I want to be successful in life.
Therefore, life is what I make it and no one can take that away from me. Things in my future will be different than the past and I'll have better knowledge and judgment. When I think of the future, I think of success.