Perfect Psychology
Essay by Paul • March 27, 2012 • Essay • 2,848 Words (12 Pages) • 1,785 Views
PSY 205 Test 2 Review
Chapters 6, 7, 11, 16
Chapter 6-Learning
* Learning→a change in behavior as a result of experience that endures, it is reversible, non-heritable and non-maturational
* Classical conditioning: stimulus evokes a response that originally evoked by another stimulus
* Pavlov-
* UCS→ evokes an unconditioned response without previous conditioning
- For example, when you smell one of your favorite foods, you may immediately feel very hungry. In this example, the smell of the food is the unconditioned stimulus.
* UCR → unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that occurs without previous conditioning
- For example, if the smell of food is the unconditioned stimulus, the feeling of hunger in response to the smell of food is the unconditioned response.
* CS→previously neutral stimulus that has, through conditioning acquired the capacity to evoke a conditioned response
- For example, suppose that the smell of food is an unconditioned stimulus and a feeling of hunger is the unconditioned response. Now, imagine that when you smelled your favorite food, you also heard the sound of a whistle. While the whistle is unrelated to the smell of the food, if the sound of the whistle was paired multiple times with the smell, the sound would eventually trigger the conditioned response. In this case, the sound of the whistle is the conditioned stimulus.
* CR→learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus that occurs because of previous conditioning.
- for example, let's suppose that the smell of food is an unconditioned stimulus, a feeling of hunger in response the the smell is a unconditioned response, and a the sound of a whistle is the conditioned stimulus. The conditioned response would be feeling hungry when you heard the sound of the whistle.
* What is the DV in classical conditioning?
o Measuring Condition response
* Acquisition, Extinction*, Spontaneous Recovery
o Acq.- ability to learn new thing
o Extinction- behavior will decrease if stimulus goes away
o Spnt Recovery- after period of time the behavior will slowly come back later
o High-order conditioning→a conditioned stimulis acts unconditioned.
* John Watson- founder of behavioralism Little Albert Experiment- made a sound with a rat, albert was scared when he heard the sound or saw the rat. Also he was scarred of a rabbit, and then was scared when he saw anything furry
o Stimulus Generalization→occurs when an organism that has learned a response to a specific stimulus responds in the same way to new stimuli that are similar.
o Stimulus Discrimination→ occurs when an organism that as learned a response to a specific stimulus does not respond in the same way to new stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus.
4 innate fears
Painful stimulus
Unusual patterns of stimulus
Loss of support or balance
Loud noise
* Reinforcement→ occurs when an event following a response increases an organisms tendency to make that response
o Schedule of reinforcement→determines which occurrences of a specific response result in the presentation of a reinforcer.
o Continuous reinforcement- happening on regular basis
o Intermittent(partial)-happening every so often
o Fixed Ratio- high rate of responding (10 A's = 5 bucks)
o Variable Ratio- random responses (casino slot machine, winning every 6 times on average)
o Fixed interval- fixed amount of time (reinforce every ten min)
o Variable interval- steady rate( businessman buying product, pop quiz)
o Escape learning→an organism acquires a response that decreases or ends some aversive stimulation
o Avoidance learning→ an organism acquires a response that prevents some aversive simulation from occuring
* Operant Conditioning→ a form of learning in which responses come to be controlled by their consequences.
* Shaping→ reinforcement by successive approximations
* Edward Thorndike→instrumental learning, "puzzle box"- cat was in a box and had to escape the box to get food. Learned that he needed to press the lever or pull the wire to escape.
* Law of effect→ if a response in the presence of a stimulus leads to satisfying effects, the association between the stimulus and the response is strengthened
* Positive reinforcement - added stim
* Negative reinforcement- stim taken away
* Punishment- not do it again
* Reinforcement- not do again
* Scalloping Effect
o Occurs at fixed interval
o Example- all tests and not pop quiz's, scalloping says that after that first examine you don't study because you know when the next test is coming
Edward Tolmon→insight learning, Reinforcing different groups of rats with either no food, food half the time, or food everytime, when the improved in getting through a maze
* Kohler's Classic experiment→ put banana on string with boxes on floor and monkey had to get banana
* Latent Learning→ learning that is not apparent from behavior when it first occurs. Rats were learning about maze as much as others performing better, but weren't motivated because there was no reward
* Observational Learning→occurs when an organism's responding is influenced by the observation of others, who are called models.
* Albert Bandura- observational learning