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Penalties for Plagiarism in Us and Uk Academic Institutions

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Penalties for Plagiarism in US and UK Academic Institutions

Alfonce Kipsang

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Thesis: Unless all educational and academic institutions across the globe begin to take the issue of plagiarism seriously, this vie will continue to be a thorn in the flesh of achieving academic goals such as nurturing young minds into intellectual minds.

I. Plagiarism can be simply put as the falsely acquiring of someone else's work or ideas and presenting it as your own. It is a vice that should be eradicated in all academic institutions across the globe.

II. The US and the UK have been pearl bearers in the eradication of this plague that has been eating up the educational system by putting in place policies aimed at curbing plagiarism.

III. In the US and UK plagiarism is such a serious offence that culprits caught in the act are subjected to stiff penalties.

IV. I believe the stiffness of these penalties is necessary in order the culprits caught can be an example to the others in order to completely eradicate this vice from our academic institutions.

Penalties for Plagiarism in US and UK Academic Institutions


Academic institutions are destined to cultivate student's inventiveness; assist them interpret their creative thinking into practical and informative ideas that erect on previously presented ideas originating from other peoples works or materials of published pieces (Fish pg 23). Plagiarism is basically the process of imitating and copying the thoughts and ideas of other people without giving them the credit they deserve. Plagiarism is derived from a Latin word plagiarius which literally means kidnapper.

Plagiarism is deemed appalling or depraved due to the harmful properties that are associated with it. It is vital to know that previous to the principles of capitalism and individualism being adopted; during the time of Shakespeare, people tolerated the thought of re-cycling previously presented ideas. They did not readily accept any line of thought that deviated from the already existing ones meaning that they did not consider plagiarism a vile act. On the other hand as individualism and capitalism begun to impact on people's way of life; the desire to be renowned for one's ideas and originality became essential (Fish pg 23). This resulted to the presentation of official document and copyrights. Due to this, plagiarism is every now and then thought to be alike to copyright violation. This constitutes an infringement of the civil liberties of a copyright holder once material constrained by copyright is presented with no permission from the copyright holder, e.g. photocopying parts of a published book without the consent of the publisher.

Plagiarism is now considered to be among the list of academic fraudulences by institutes of learning in the US and UK. The academic institutions have therefore come up with anti-plagiarism policy to help curb the vice. Plagiarism is now considered as academic fraud through legal advances; to which the offender is very much subject to academic censure; whereby a board has to convene to decide on the penalty fit for the offence (Culwin pg 53). In the academic institutions of the US and the UK, plagiarism penalties can be inclusive of fines and can get extended to expulsion if the offender is consistent and does not adhere to the already given warnings. For these institutions, plagiarism is defined to be any piece of work submitted for evaluation and contains another author's work which hasn't been quoted or cited by the writer.

The wide-ranging years of practice has enabled instructors be able to identify plagiarized work. This is due to the fact that most students apply information found on ordinary sites and the likelihood of most students replicating and pasting alike materials of information eases the ability to catch them. The instructor's are therefore left with



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