Paradise Lost
Essay by EmilieKessi • January 7, 2013 • Essay • 690 Words (3 Pages) • 1,310 Views
While comparing the attitudes, and results of Jesus Christ in the Bible, with the attitudes and results of Satan in the book Paradise Lost I came across many contrasting themes, and issues. The attitudes of Jesus Christ that we find in the Bible are great examples for us all on how to live our lives. As opposed to the attitudes of Satan, whose life we may not want to follow as an example. Often times when we know Jesus' true character, we find that Satan's true character is the exact opposite of His.
Pride is the interests with one's own selfish needs, desires, as well as not considering the importance of everyone else's opinions, needs, and desires. The evidence of Satan's poor character in Paradise Lost is easily noticed in Milton's book; for example, "Stird up with Envy and Revenge, deceiv'd the Mother of Mankind." This is an example of Satan's prideful motive in deceiving Eve for his own desires; he sought envy, and had a thirst to obtain revenge. "Humility is the actions and thoughts of being humble and modest. Humility was a character trait and attitude that Jesus exemplified very well. In Matthew 20:18 "...the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death." Jesus Christ was not concerned for Himself of His own needs; He cared about the interests of others so much that He gave up his own life for us.
Without happiness you cannot experience joy, when Satan was cast to Hell he developed a strong hatred towards God. "Witness'd huge affliction and dismay mixt with obdurate pride and stedfast hate," all he could see was suffering, and endless pain in Hell. Matthew 5:44 " your enemies..."Jesus modeled this every day of his life; His love covers all sins.
The final contrast attitudes will be of rebellion, and forgiveness. In Paradise Lost Satan displayed numerous times the attitude of rebellion. "Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav'n." He was implying that no matter what the circumstances he would not want to serve the Most High. Christ in Matthew 26:28 says "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of all sins." Even though Jesus did not have to forgive us all, He willingly chose to.
"What time his Pride had cast him out from Heav'n, with all his Host of Rebel Angels" this was the result; Satan allowed his pride to get in the way and to be the cause of him getting cast out of Heaven, and sent down to the fiery gates of Hell. "Rest can never dwell, hope never comes that comes to all; but torture without end," his result was endless torture, and pain without cease for his life of hatred. In result to Satan's pessimistic attitude and rebellion towards serving, and doing the exact opposite of what he ought to do, Satan was "swallowed up in endless