Old Before Her Time
Essay by Paul • October 2, 2011 • Essay • 371 Words (2 Pages) • 2,155 Views
Old before her time
On seven differet days in seven different cities, Barrett discusses how the eldrly are treated. A woman of twenty-six and transforming herself to a woman of eighty-five, sometimes as a middle class eldrely person to an elderly person who is poor, just to see how she would be treated. She explains that the eldrely go through many emotions. She learned that the eldrly were sometimes ignored, victimized, poor, and frightened, but in the end they were survivors. There were only two people who showed her any compassion at all. One was a little boy and an elderly man. No one showed her any compassion when she was a poor elderly person. Like se had a deises.
The eldrely should never be ignored. They have so much to tell us about life. If people would stop and think about where everyone came from? If it was not for the eldrely where would we be? There would be no one here to live on what they were taught. However victimizing the eldrely is wrong as well. People think they are the perfect target because they can not fight back. Once again, if people woud remeber their grandmothers or grandfathers, they would think twice about victimizing the elderly. The way society is now the edrely are afarid of having nothing as it is. The way the Social Security is now they barly give the eldrely enough to live on. One day there will not be any, when that happenes where will the eldrely be? Think about everything the eldrely have gone through? Several wars, the deppresion, and a lot of illness, they are the real survivors and because of that they have alot to tell the people of our generation and so on. People can be very rude and not caring to the eldrely. They should think about this and what they would want when they get this age. We should make the eldrelys life as good as possible before we are consdered eldrely as well.