Oh Snap
Essay by Kill009 • April 26, 2011 • Presentation or Speech • 1,823 Words (8 Pages) • 1,601 Views
By: Taylor Jenkins
"Vaaaaalllerieeee!" I heard my best friend Gage yell from down the hall, the screaming knocking me out of my trance like state of staring into the abyss of my locker. I shut the door and turned to him. "Gaaaaaagieeee Boo!"." Don't call me that!" he said embracing me in a best friend bear hug, filled with twists and turns and only ended when you ran into something or someone. Ours ended by a someone. That someone who I would do everything in my power to stay away from. This someone was strange, and I know strange. It's been me my whole short life of death metal, piercings and drugs. But this was a different strange not devil worshipping and multi-colored hair strange like Gage and I, but preppy happy sunshine strange. There were definitely some preppy people at my school but none like this, like her. She was 5'6, tan, blonde and pink all around. She was, is, my sister, Sunny. The unique name was held hostage by a conformist bratty bitch, with a high squeaky voice and a blank look in her eyes. She was the epitome of popular high school girl.
Gage's blue eyes went round and he quickly moved out of her way, I on the other hand took my time.
"Emo freaks? "really Sunny, you couldn't have done better than that?" I asked raising a brow.
"I could" she spat. "but why should I waste my time making a fool out of you when you clearly do that yourself everyday with the way you look and dress" I laughed. "I dress bad? It looks like Aeropostal threw up on you!" "Yeah, and it looks like HotTopic took a shit on you, sis."
I took a step closer to her face ready to say something else but felt Gage pulling me. I'm sure he thought I was going to hit her. I almost wish I had.
"Val, I cannot believe you guys are related" Gage said, looking back as we walked towards the double doors at the end of the hall.
"I feel the same way" I mumbled suddenly in a bad mood.
"Hey, cheer up" Gage said draping his arm on my shoulders "let's go to the mall" I smiled and looked up at him.
"Awe, Gaaaaaggieee Poo you always know how to make me feel better" He chuckled, "you're paying for me" he stopped "oh fuck you!" he said shoving me playfully "don't you want me to feel better?! That won't very well work if I'm spending my own money! I should be spending yours!" we both laughed.
"fiiiiiiine" he said smiling, I'll pay for one thing for you, but only one!" he said lifting up one black painted finger for definition. "Yay!" I jumped up.
When we got to the mall we headed for none other than, HotTopic. My only other favorite place other than Gage's apartment. I picked through racks of skinny jeans, band tee's and fishnets not really paying attention to what I was looking at. My mind was somewhere else, new year's eve at Gages apartment. It was his first real night in his apartment, living all on his own. Since his parents had kicked him out after they caught him running around his neighborhood naked stuck on a bad acid trip . It was just the two of us sitting on his futon smoking a joint and drinking red wine. A Marilyn Manson song playing quietly in the back ground filling the air with a sultry essence. I remember resting my head on his shoulder and looking up and smiling at him, "My knight in black skinny jeans" I mumbled, he looked down at me and we just stared at each other for a minute. That's when it happened, he kissed me and turned me entire world upside down. I sat up and kissed back and it kept going like that until finally, we had sex. It was slow passionate and amazing and I couldn't have been happier to have Gage be the one to take my virginity but there was a problem, a big problem. In the morning Gage didn't remember a thing. As far as he knows we both passed out from the alcohol in our system and didn't even stay up to see the ball drop. I try to keep the memory of us having sex and the one of him not remembering separate so I wouldn't taint a potentially good memory. It was mid-April now and would just be too awkward to bring up to him.
A tear escaped my eye as the two memories clashed for a moment, I became aware I was in the middle of a public place and quickly wiped the lone tear away and turned to find Gage. He was over by the girl stuff while I had been at the clearance rack, I assumed he was looking for pants for himself until he turned to me and held up a short black strapless dress that looked like it was lightly dusted with a fairies wings and had tulle at the bottom, it was beautiful. "This would look incredible on you, try it on!" he smiled. He pushed me towards the back off the store where the dressing room was.
The dress fit my petite frame like a glove and contrasted perfectly with my pale skin and blonde and black hair. It made my face look brighter and my violet eyes bigger, I don't understand how one dress could do all this but it did, and I had to have it. I stepped out of the dressing room to show Gage.