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Essay by   •  March 8, 2012  •  Essay  •  328 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,664 Views

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Fate is determined by the humans own decision, therefore all humans have their own free will. A persons decisionsof his or her act will choose what the consequence for them will be fate is not decided by someone else before the act has been made. If that were so then anything and everything that can occur in someone's life has been determined and how is that possible by an unknown power. If someone were to commit some sort of crime no one can have what his/her sentence will be ahead of time. Also when a person makes a choice they are also accepting what the consequences of the choice will be. Freewill determines the outcome of someone's life, because there is no one higher than any person that will be able to choose the outcomes of that persons decisions ahead of time.

Oedipus from birth was given a curse by Apollo that he would end up marrying his mother and killing his father. Apollo's prophecy was also, predicted by two oracles one of Thebes and one of Corinth. This fate was unable to be avoided from the start, once a god predicts something then it will happen and nothing less. So, it did . It was fate that although Iosate found oedupis as a baby haging from his ankles and sent him away from Thebes to be abandon in the mountains to avoid the prophecy's truth. However, as he became a young man he heard about the prophecy of the oracle of his terrible fate. He tried leaving Corinth to avoid his fate. But only to run into his fate unknowingly for filling the prophecy and he returned back to Thebes. When he returns to Thebes, he saved them by solving the riddle of the Sphinx and his fate makes him become King and husband of his mother. Fate gave Oedipus many troubles such as it made him lose everything because he was blinded by his own destruction.



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